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Both family and monastic life are blessed

– Geronda, what is the answer to young men and women who ask whether monastic life is higher than family life?

– First of all, it is necessary to make them understand what the purpose of a person is and what the meaning of his life is. Then it should be explained to the young that both paths outlined by our Church are blessed, because if those who choose them live according to God, then both of these paths can lead to Paradise. Suppose that two people go on a pilgrimage. One walks along a well-trodden road, the other along a path. However, both walkers have the same goal. God rejoices in the first and admires the second. Things will become bad [only] when the one who walks along the path begins to condemn in his heart the one who walks along the highway, or vice versa.

It is good for those young people who are thinking about monasticism to know that the purpose of a monk is very great. The purpose of a monk is to become an Angel. "In the next life, in Heaven, we will live as angels," Christ said to the Sadduce[2]. Therefore, some very curious young men and women become monks and begin to live an angelic life already in earthly life.

However, one should not think that all those who enter the monastery will be saved just because they have become monks. Each person will give God an answer for whether he has sanctified the life he has chosen. In any life, love is necessary. God does not create people predestined to succeed or to fail. He who does not have love will not succeed on his own, no matter what path he chooses. Whereas a curious person prospers wherever he finds himself, because Divine Grace is with him. Some family people live very virtuously and are sanctified. If the head of the family loves God, if he is attracted by divine care, then spiritually he can be very successful. In addition, such a person endows his children with virtues, creates a good family and receives a double reward from God.

Therefore, every young man should have before him the following goal: to strive with love and without spiritual anxiety - so as to sanctify the life he has chosen. Does he want to get married? Let him get married, but with zeal he will try to become a good head of the family and live holy. Does he want to become a monk? Let him become a monk, but diligently try to become a good monk. Let him weigh his strength, try on what kind of life he can handle, and in accordance with the conclusions made, go along the chosen path. For example, if a girl sees that she does not have enough strength to become a nun, she should humbly ask God: "My God, I am a weak person and I will not be able to live as a nun. Send me a man to help me [, we got married], I created a good family and lived spiritually." In this case, God will not leave her. If, having married and created a good family, she lives according to the Gospel, then God will not ask her anything more.