St. John Chrysostom, Collected Works. Volume Seven. Book One

3. But we have no need of sensual vision, because faith alone is sufficient for us instead of all signs; Signs are not given for believers, but for unbelievers. Why did the Holy Spirit appear in the form of a dove? Because the dove is a meek and pure animal. And since the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of meekness, He also appeared in this form. In addition, such a phenomenon reminds us of ancient history. When the universal flood had engulfed the whole universe, and our race was in danger of complete destruction, then this bird appeared and made it known that the flood had ceased, and, bringing an olive branch, brought the good news of universal silence in the universe. All this was a foreshadowing of the future. At that time, people were in a worse condition, and deserved a much greater punishment. Therefore, so that you do not despair, the Scriptures bring this story to your mind. And at that time, in spite of the most desperate state of affairs, there was some deliverance from disasters and restoration; then it happened by punishment, and now by grace and the gift of the unspeakable. That is why the dove does not appear with an olive branch, but points us to the Deliverer from all evils and gives us good hopes. It does not bring only man out of the ark, but the whole universe is raised up to heaven, and instead of the olive branch it brings adoption to the whole human race. Imagining the greatness of this gift, do not diminish in your thoughts the dignity of the Holy Spirit, just because He appeared in this form. I have heard some say that there is the same difference between Christ and the Holy Spirit as there is between a man and a dove, because the latter appeared in human nature, and this one in the form of a dove. What should I say to this? That the Son of God took on human nature, and the Holy Spirit did not take on the nature of a dove. That is why the Evangelist did not say: in the nature of a dove, but in the form of a dove. Except for this case, He never appeared in this form after that. Further, if for this reason alone you consider Him to be inferior in dignity, then for the same reason the cherubim will be better than Him, and moreover as many times as the eagle is superior to the dove, because they appeared in the form of an eagle. Likewise, the angels will be better than Him, because they also often appeared in human form. But let it not be, let it not be! It is one thing to become a true man, and another thing to appear for a time in some form. Therefore, do not be ungrateful before your Benefactor, and do not repay evil for good to Him who has given you a source of bliss. Where there is the dignity of adoption, there is the taking away of all evils and the bestowal of all blessings. That is why Jewish baptism is abolished, and ours receives a beginning. What happened with Pascha, the same happens with baptism. As there, Christ, having celebrated both Pascha, abolished one and gave the other a beginning, so here, having fulfilled the baptism of the Jews, He opened the doors to the baptism of the New Testament Church. As there was in one supper, so here in one river He inscribed a shadow and presented the truth. Only our baptism has the grace of the Holy Spirit; but the baptism of John did not have such a gift. That is why nothing of the kind happened during the baptism of other people, but only happened to Him Who had to give this gift, so that you would know, in addition to what has been said above, that it was not the purity of the baptizer, but the power of the one who was baptized that produced this. Then the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended. Thus Christ is already leading us from the ancient way of life to the new, opening to us the gates of heaven and sending down from there the Holy Spirit, Who calls us to the heavenly fatherland; and not only does He summon, but He also endows us with the highest dignity: He makes us not angels and archangels, but beloved sons of God. Thus He draws us to that heavenly possession.

4. Presenting all this, manifest a life worthy of the love of the caller, and of the heavenly community, and of the honor bestowed upon you. Having been crucified to the world and having crucified the world for yourself, try with all diligence to live as they live in heaven. Do not think that you have anything in common with the earth, because your body has not yet been taken up to heaven; Your head is there in heaven. For this reason the Lord descended to earth and sent down the angels with Him, and then, having received you, He ascended into heaven, so that you, even before your ascension there, would be convinced that you can live on earth as in heaven. Therefore, let us constantly preserve the dignity that we received in the beginning; Let us daily strive for the heavenly palaces, and revere all earthly things as shadows and dreams. In fact, if some earthly king were to unexpectedly adopt you, poor and needy, you would not even think of your poor hut, although there is not yet a great difference between the two. In the same way, do not think about anything before, because you are called to much more important blessings. He who calls you is the Lord of the angels, and the blessings bestowed upon you are beyond all word and understanding. He transmigrates you not from earth to earth, like the king of the earth, but from earth to heaven, and from mortal nature to immortal and ineffable glory, which will only then be revealed to us in its true form, when we enjoy it.

And we do not punish guilty slaves and children in the same way for the same transgressions, especially if they have benefited us a lot. And if he to whom paradise was given as an inheritance, for one disobedience after great honor, was subjected to such calamities, then we, who received heaven and became joint heirs of the Only-begotten, can we ask forgiveness when, having left the dove, we hasten to the serpent? No, then we will no longer hear: "Thou art the earth, and into the land shalt thou go" (Gen. 2:10). III, 19), or: cultivate the earth, and other things that were once said to Adam, but we are threatened with punishments much more grievous - utter darkness, insoluble bonds, poisonous worms, gnashing of teeth; and on business. He who has not become the best even after such a beneficence, in all fairness, must undergo the last and most grievous punishment. Elijah once opened and closed the heavens in order to bring down and hold back the rain; but heaven is opened to you so that you may ascend there, and not only ascend yourself, but - what is much more important - also bring others with you, if you wish. This is the boldness and authority that the Lord has given you in all His (blessings)! Therefore, if our house is there, let us put all our possessions there, and leave nothing here, lest we lose it.

But if you send your possessions to the heavenly house, you will be perfectly safe. You will not need any locks, doors, or locks. Such is the fortress of that city; so impregnable is that place for predators; so it is inviolable for corruption, and protected from all evil intent.

5. Is it not utter folly to gather everything to a place where everything that is supposed to decay and perish, and where everything remains inviolable, and even increases, not to put the slightest part there? And this is done by us, who must live there forever. That is why the pagans do not believe our words. They want to see not in words, but in our deeds the proof of our teaching about the life to come. Seeing that we are building magnificent houses, planting gardens and baths, buying fields, they do not want to believe that we are preparing to move to another heavenly city. Thus they conclude from what usually happens in the world. In fact, we see rich people building houses, buying fields, and everything else in the cities in which they intend to live. Meanwhile, we do the opposite. We try with all our might to acquire land, and for a few acres of land and houses we not only spare no money, but even shed blood; and for the acquisition of heaven we do not want to sacrifice even the most abundance, whereas we could buy it for a small price, and, having bought it, possess it forever. For this reason we shall be subjected to extreme punishment if we come there naked and poor; and not only for our own poverty let us endure unbearable torments, but especially for the fact that we have drawn others into a similar state. In fact, if the pagans see that we, too, having been vouchsafed the great mysteries, are attached to earthly things, how much more will they themselves cling to it. Through this, we ourselves gather the strongest fire on our head. We ought to teach them to despise all things visible, but instead we excite in them the greatest partiality for it.

Therefore, having pondered all this, let us dissolve all the bonds of the deception of the love of money, so that we may not fall into those bonds by which we will be dragged into the unquenchable fire. He who is enslaved to wealth will always be in bondage here and there; and he who does not have this passion will be free here and there. In order that we too may attain this freedom, let us break the heavy yoke of the love of money, and let us be lifted up to heaven by the grace and love of mankind of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.


The Works of Our Holy Father John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople

Commentary on St. Matthew the Evangelist


Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness, tempted by the devil (IV, 1).