St. John Chrysostom, Collected Works. Volume Seven. Book One

If nothing else enlightens you, then look at your home life, and you will see all the absurdity of your thoughts.

However, even in this case, it is not the same. Suppose you think that after death they will be in the same state, but here some of them have spent all their time in peace, and others in suffering.

And if anyone asks you, Who came from the other world and declared what was done there? - answer him thus: none of the people (and even if someone came from there, most of the people would not believe him, thinking that he boasts and exaggerates what he tells about); but the Lord of the angels has announced all these things to us with full assurance. And so, what need do we have of human witness, when He Himself, Who will demand an answer from us, preaches daily that He has prepared both hell and the kingdom, and gives us clear proofs of all this? In fact, if He did not have to judge us, He would not have sent punishments here either. Further, how can we explain the fact that some of the evil people are punished here, and others are not? If God is no respecter of persons, as He really is, then why does He punish one and allow another to die without punishment? This is even more incomprehensible than what has been said before. But if you kindly wish to listen to me, then I will resolve this perplexity as well. How? God does not punish everyone here, so that you do not despair of the resurrection, and do not cease to await judgment, since everyone has already received recompense here; nor does he leave everyone unpunished, lest you again think that the universe is not governed by Providence. He both punishes and does not punish. When He punishes, He gives it to be understood that from those who have not been punished here, He will demand an account there; but when He does not punish, He makes you believe that after your departure from this life there will be a Last Judgment. If He did not want to give everyone his own at all, then here He would not punish or reward anyone. And now you see. that He has stretched out the heavens for you, and kindled the sun, and founded the earth, poured out the sea and the air, established the course of the moon, ordained immutable laws for the seasons, and causes all other things to flow unswervingly with His waves.

This is clearer than the very rays of the sun; and if we remain silent, the stones will cry out for it.


[1] In gymnastics schools.


The Works of Our Holy Father John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople

Commentary on St. Matthew the Evangelist


And when Jesus heard that John had been betrayed, he departed into Galilee (Matt. IV, 12.)