Contemporary Practice of Orthodox Piety. Volume 2

A special example of unceasing prayer is given to us by St. Macrina is the sister of St. Basil the Great. The nun accustomed herself to unceasing contemplation of God and prayer from childhood by means of sacred singing, which did not cease in her mouth. In the life of the nun it is written: "Whether she got out of bed (as a girl) or took up some work, whether she sat down to dine or got up from the table, noon and evening - she did not miss without singing psalms."

Whatever the form of unceasing prayer, it leads a Christian to the fact that he is in unceasing communion with God, draws strength from Him, preserves his spiritual structure, and thereby achieves the goal of his life - eternal abiding in the Holy Spirit.

Pdp. St. John Climacus speaks of the need for constant vigilance in prayer: "Remember that you must preserve yourself even after prayer, and you must know that the crowds of demons, defeated by you, are again besieging you."

In order to bring oneself closer to unceasing prayer, it is necessary to supplement the morning and evening rules with prayers during the day itself.

As a well-known minimum, Fr. Seraphim suggests that the laity perform the prayer rule three times a day - in the morning, in the middle of the day, and in the evening. During the day, the monk allows the fulfillment of the rule in the midst of work - on the go, if it is impossible to choose time for solitude.

Its rule for the laity immersed in the vanity of the day consists of reading: three times the "Our Father", three times "To the Mother of God" and once "I believe". Those who read the usual church rules in the morning and evening can take at least the rule of St. John. Seraphim.

In addition to brief appeals to the Lord in the middle of the day, as Bishop Isaac teaches us to do. Theophan the Recluse, it can be recommended to say (aloud or in the mind) certain prayers offered by the Church in various circumstances.

Thus, in the prayer book one can find prayers performed before the beginning of any new work and after it, before the road, before studying, thanking God for His blessings that we constantly receive from the Lord, etc.

Woe to us if we neglect to pray in time: this will immediately affect our work and our well-being. Performing such prayers during the day will also bring the Christian closer to fulfilling the covenant of unceasing prayer.

При непрестанной молитве не следует смущаться никакими внешними занятиями или положением и никогда не переставать молиться. Об этом так говорят прпп. Варсонофий Великий и Иоанн:

"Сидишь ли ты, занят ли чем, ешь ли, или иное что делаешь ради потребности телесной, к востоку ли или к западу случится быть обращенным - не сомневайся молиться, ибо мы получили заповедь делать сие непрестанно и на всяком месте...

Когда и голова у тебя покрыта, не оставляй молитвы, но соблюдай лишь то, чтобы делать это не с пренебрежением... Итак, стоишь ли ты или сидишь, или лежишь - пусть бодрствует сердце твое в твоем псалмослужении. Предавайся молитве, непрестанно прибегая к Богу днем и ночью, и тогда враги, борющие душу, отступят, постыженные...

Совершенные отцы наши не имели определенного правила, но в течение целого дня... несколько упражнялись в псалмопении, несколько читали изустно молитвы, несколько испытывали помыслы; мало, но заботились и о пище".

При этом прп. Варсонофий пишет, что "если ты непрестанно молишься, по слову апостола (1 Фес. 5, 17), то не нужна продолжительность, когда встаешь на молитву, ибо ум твой весь день пребывает в ней".