«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

It should also be remembered that God's omnipresence applies not only to space but also to time. Just as there is no place in space where God is not present, so there is no moment in time where He is absent. God is not bound by time, as we are. A person is always at only one point in time, exists only at one moment. We exist only today, yesterday we are no longer there, and tomorrow we are not yet there. Moreover, we are gone in ten years or in the century before last. But the Lord does not depend on the conditions of time and is present at every point of it – in all ages, days, hours and minutes of world history. He looks at the present day in the same way, with the same look, as well as at any other day in the life of an individual or the existence of the world as a whole. "God is not subject to time: time does not exist for God," says St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. "That which is to be accomplished is before the face of God that has already been perfected."

The next attribute of God is His omniscience. Nothing is hidden from God, He knows everything. In fact, this property logically follows from omnipresence: if God is present in every place and at every time, then, of course, there is nothing in all existence that is not known to Him. The Lord, for example, knows the future precisely because He looks at it in exactly the same way as He looks at the present.

The next attribute of God is wisdom. God created our infinite and complex world, and He alone knows the meaning of every thing and every phenomenon, their purpose, their ultimate goal, and the ways to achieve that goal. "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways... but as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts," says the Lord in the book of the prophet Isaiah. This is quite understandable: after all, God is the absolute first cause of all existence, and all the laws of existence were established by Him. Whether the laws of the material world or the laws of morality, the laws of word and concept, of meaning and reason, of beauty and perfection, of order and harmony — all this is established by Him, all this is "from Him, by Him and to Him." In all things, without exception, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. God miraculously and incomprehensibly provides for everything that exists in our world. According to the Catechism, God's Providence consists in the fact that God preserves the existence and powers of all that He has created, directs them to good ends, promotes every good, and stops or corrects the evil that arises through separation from the good and turns it to good consequences.

The wisdom of God is scattered everywhere, throughout the universe, from huge star systems to some microscopic bacteria. How wisely man is made! Or animals! Take, for example, a giraffe. The giraffe has a very long neck, and in order to pump blood so high, it has a powerful heart in its body that can create high pressure. However, when a giraffe bends down, for example, to water, there is a danger of cerebral hemorrhage, because the pressure in the head increases sharply. And the giraffe would inevitably die if there were not several special valves in the blood vessels of its neck that, when it drinks, close and prevent blood flow to the head. Thus the giraffe's neck is wisely arranged.

Or another example: a camel. The camel is called the "ship of the desert", and, indeed, its entire device is ideal for traveling in hot deserts. A camel can go without water for many days, which other animals are not capable of. Before the journey, the camel stores water and sometimes drinks more than a hundred liters of it. It has a unique mechanism that allows you to store water, distributing it throughout the body. During the journey, a camel can lose up to a third of its own weight while maintaining its performance. A camel's changing body temperature helps to save water. At night, this temperature drops, and during the day it gradually rises, which allows it to almost not feel the heat in the hot desert. In addition, the camel is also protected from the heat by its thick coat. The same wool keeps him warm at night, when it is cold in the desert.

There are also sandstorms, but the camel has special means of protection against them: very long eyelashes on the eyes and special muscles in the nose that do not allow sand to get into the nostrils. For long-distance travel, the camel has one or two large humps, which consist of fat reserves and allow it to do without not only water, but also almost without food. This animal is truly amazing and wise! How can we not recall the words of the Psalmist: "Thou hast created all things in wisdom..."

But let us go further and speak of the following attribute of God, our Creator, perhaps the most important of all. This property is love. Strictly speaking, this is not even a property, but the name of our God. Everyone knows the words of the Apostle John: God is love. How should these words be understood? In what is God's love manifested? Firstly, it is manifested in the inner life of the Godhead – as the love of the three Hypostases, and secondly, this love of the Trinity is poured out outwardly – to the whole world, to the entire creation of God.