Both the Word of God and the Holy Fathers teach us to believe that inexplicable joys, ineffable bliss await the righteous in the Future Life. The Word of God says: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him" (1 Corinthians 2:9).St. John Chrysostom says: "There is all peace, joy, gladness, sweetness... all day, all light, the all-present desire for good."The Monk Ephraim the Syrian adds to this: "There is the only longed-for, everlasting joy, eternal joy, unfading light, the unsetting sun... There is the voice of the celebrants... there is an incomparable joy, of which it is impossible for human lips to speak. There is neither sorrow nor sighing, but each one, according to the grace given to him, rejoices inwardly in his own measure." Thus teach us both the word of God and the Holy Fathers about the inexplicable joy and ineffable blessedness that await the righteous in the Future Life. Is this really so? Our venerable father Seraphim of Sarov once said to one of his disciples: "Once I delighted in the word of my Lord Jesus Christ, where He says: In My Father's house there are many mansions (Jn. 14:2), that is, for those who serve him and glorify his holy name. At these words of Christ the Savior I stopped and desired to see these heavenly abodes, and I prayed to the Lord that He would show them to me, and the Lord would not deprive me of His mercy. God knows, it's incomprehensible. And it is impossible to tell you about the joy and sweetness of heaven that I tasted there." And with these words, Father Seraphim fell silent.At this time, he bent a little forward, his head with closed eyes drooping to the valley, and with the outstretched hand of his right hand he equally quietly moved against his heart. His face gradually changed and emitted a wonderful light, and at last it became so illumined that it was impossible to look at him; on his lips and in all his expression there was such heavenly joy and rapture, that at that time it was truly possible to call him an earthly angel and a heavenly man. After a rather long silence, sighing from the depths of his soul, Venerable Seraphim said to his disciple: "Ah, if you knew what joy, what sweetness awaits the soul of the righteous in heaven, then you would dare to endure all sorrows, persecutions and slander with thanksgiving in temporal life... There is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, there is joy and sweetness unspeakable, there the righteous will shine like the sun. But if even the Apostle Paul himself could not explain such heavenly glory and joy, then what other human language can explain the beauty of the heavenly dwelling in which righteous souls dwell?" This means that it is true that this is in fact the case – there is what both the word of God and the Holy Fathers speak of, there is ineffable joy and ineffable bliss, awaiting the righteous in the Future Life. This means that the Lord spoke the truth to His disciples: "Your sorrow shall be turned into joy" (John 16:20). I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy (John 16:22). and they shall reign forever and ever" (Rev. 22:3-5). According to the promise of the Lord Himself: "To him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with Me on My throne" (Rev. 3:21). Let us add a little: with all our hearts we wish you that you, more often imagining inexplicable joys and ineffable bliss, which the Lord has prepared for those who love Him, would strive with all your heart and with all your soul to achieve these blessings; so that you may remember that our dwelling is in heaven, whence we also await the Saviour (Phil. 3:20). And finally, that, remembering this, living on earth in the body, at the same time live in Heaven in the spirit. Amen.

On how one should behave in church

Since not everyone behaves decently in church, and some stand in it without praying and not heeding what is being sung and read, others laugh and talk in church, and some even sometimes distract others from contemplation of God and prayer by their words and behavior, imitating the devil-tempter, then as a result of this we considered it our moral duty both to such people and to everyone in general to offer the instruction of one of the holy saints of God and the Holy Church that How should Christians behave in church and how should they relate to church services.What will the saint of God and the Holy Church tell us about this?St. Seraphim of Sarov teaches: "There are many who say: 'We were at Mass, or at Matins, or at Vespers,' and flatter themselves with the hope that they really were, but in fact where did their minds wander then? They were only in body in the temple of God. Christians should pay attention to themselves and try to remember that before us is the Lord Knower of Hearts, and that we are standing in the temple, according to the words of the prophet: "I have always seen the Lord before me, for He is at my right hand; I will not be moved" (Psalm 15:8). Whoever remembers that one must work for the Lord with fear and rejoice in Him with trembling, heeds everything that is sung or read during the service, especially that which is read from the Holy Gospel, which is a plaster on every scab of sin." Let us now listen to what the Holy Church has to say about the same thing.In one of the church teachings of the Prologue it is said: "Beloved children and brethren, when you come to church, with great fear and reverence, listen to what is sung during the Divine Liturgy, and do not talk about the things of life in the church of God. And before the earthly king one must stand with fear, so as not to incur his wrath, and in the presence of the earthly king one must be afraid to look at each other, lest one be punished for this. Do not disturb the service of the Church by talking, laughing, dozing, but listen and heed how it is sung: Let us lay aside all the cares of this world... And those of you who wish to receive salvation should be especially concerned about the purity of your soul in the hour of prayer, and not be deceived by the wiles of the devil and not indulge in idle talk" (from the Prologue for June 6).

What does this teaching oblige us to do? Of course, so that we follow it and behave in church as it commands. And so it must be, without fail, for otherwise our stay in church will become displeasing to God and, consequently, useless for us. Listen to what the Lord says about those who go to church not for the temple's sake: These people draw near to Me with their lips, and worship Me with their tongues, but their heart is far from Me; but in vain do they worship Me (Matt. 15:8-9). From this it is clear that the prayer of such people is not pleasing to God, and their going to church does not benefit them.In order for us to avoid this, let us follow the teaching of both the saint of God and the Holy Church regarding behavior in church. How? Let us enter the church with reverence, putting aside all worldly cares outside its threshold, let us stand in it with fear, as we should stand before the face of the King of Heaven, and finally, let us pray as it is proper for repentant sinners to pray. Then there is no doubt that our prayer will become pleasing to God, and our going to the temple of God will bring us great benefit. Amen.

The Lord is those who love Him

One of the greatest mercies proclaimed by the Lord to those who love Him is that He promises to come to them and make a dwelling place with them, to love them and to appear to them Himself. He says: He who loves Me will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and make our abode with him (John 14:23). Whoever loves Me will be loved by My Father; and I will love him, and I will appear to him Myself (John 14:21). Mercy is truly the greatest. In the Life of St. Seraphim of Sarov, the following is written. Once, when he was a hierodeacon, it happened that he served on Holy Great Thursday. Divine Liturgy began at two o'clock in the afternoon, with vespers. After the Little Entrance and the Paremia, Seraphim exclaimed in the Royal Doors: "Lord, save the pious and hear us!" Looking at this radiance, he saw the Lord Jesus Christ in the form of the Son of Man, shining in glory and unchanging light, surrounded by the Heavenly powers: Angels, Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim, as if by a swarm of bees – and from the western church gates coming in the air. The Lord blessed those who served and those who were present; after that, having entered into His holy local image, which is on the right side of the Royal Doors, He was transfigured, surrounded by Angelic faces, shining with an ineffable light throughout the church. He, who then met the Lord Jesus Christ in the air, was honored with a special blessing from Him.Father Seraphim carefully tried to keep this secret in the depths of his soul, but could it be hidden from the eyes of all those who were there in the church? At the same time he changed his appearance, and everyone could notice and clearly understood that the Lord's visit was with him, for he could neither leave his place nor utter a single word. Two hierodeacons approached, took him by the arms, led him into the altar and left him aside. Standing for three hours, his face often changed, which was now white as snow, now covered with blush, and from the fullness of the consolations of Divine grace for a long time he could not utter a word.From this event in the life of Venerable Seraphim it becomes clear that the greatest mercy, of which we spoke above and which the Lord promised to those who love Him, must be understood in such a way that He truly appeared to them and made a dwelling place with them. And the example of Seraphim is not the only one. We all know that after His Resurrection the Lord appeared to Mary Magdalene, to the myrrh-bearing women, to the Apostles, and, finally, to more than five hundred brethren at one time (1 Cor. 15:6).It is known that the First Martyr Stephen, before his suffering death, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God (Acts 7:55). Lord, why didn't you come to comfort me?" He answered: "I was here, in your heart."But even in addition to these examples, in the lives of the saints one can find instances of the Lord appearing to those who love Him. And it is clear that not only in the spiritual, but also in the literal, real sense one can understand the words of the Lord: "Let us come and make our abode with him... And I will love him and appear to him Myself.As you see, in fact, the Lord appeared to those who loved Him and made a dwelling in their hearts for Himself. Where should all this lead us? Of course, so that we, more often imagining God's love for those who love Him, try to strive with all our hearts to our Lord, to unite with Him through ardent love for Him, and through it to receive Him into the dwelling place of our hearts, so that we may love Him, not in word and tongue, but in deed and truth: we may hear His word, we would fulfill His commandments, imitate His example, and unite with Him through a holy righteous life.And if we really did this, if we were always concerned about the increase and preservation in our hearts of love for the Lord, then, believe me, if not with bodily, then with spiritual eyes, we would also see the Lord, we would prepare our hearts for His habitation, would have received mercy and love for ourselves on His part, then His words would have been able to apply to us: I will dwell in them and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people (2 Corinthians 6:16). Amen.

Those in power must be extremely cautious about the judgments of others about their subordinates

Some of the people who are invested with authority have the weakness to believe indiscriminately everything that is said about their subordinates. As a result, they often fall into great mistakes. Thus, it happens that through their blind faith in the words of others, they give evil people a reason to become more and more sophisticated in backbiting and slander, and cause sorrows and sufferings to the innocent. This should not be the case. Those in power must be extremely cautious about the judgments of others about their subordinates, and if they notice lies and slander in their words, they must immediately denounce and stop them, and protect and calm down those who innocently suffer from them. all covered with blood from the bites of flies, mosquitoes and other insects, from which he had never defended himself, met with the hegumen Niphon and, in his usual humility, preceded his greeting with his prostration to the ground and then approached him with brotherly love of kissing according to the custom of the priests. Why did he choose such a life, which, in their opinion, is strange and seductive, because he admits to himself all kinds and sexes of people, although he does this also for salvific edification? "Especially," he said, "all are offended, as if because you show merciful care to the orphans of Diveyevo."[1] Having heard all this pleasure and all the reproaches from the hegumen, which he expressed to him as if on behalf of the brethren, having himself aside, the elder again with humility fell at the feet of the hegumen and gave him such a wise and edifying answer that it completely blocked his mouth and brought him to self-consciousness. He answered him thus: "Father, father, you know that every ship has a helmsman who steers it, preserves and protects it from every nasty event of waves and attacks. In the same way, every flock has a shepherd who guards and protects his sheep from wolves and other dangerous events. But when the dogs who are with him bark in vain at some traveler, then the shepherd only stamps his foot on them, and they suddenly abandon their anger and go back to their places. This, I think, father, is what you should do. You are the helmsman of this ship and the shepherd of the verbal flock, so protect and do not allow yourself and the travelers to bark in vain and disturb yourself and travelers to eternity. For the word is powerful, and the staff, like a scourge, is terrible to all. Then both visible and invisible dogs will not dare to bark in vain."This profoundly wise answer of the elder brought the astonished hegumen into complete silence and served him as a precaution for the future to treat his difficult position with much greater attention and prudence. So, then, we have said the truth that those in power must be extremely cautious about the judgments of others about their subordinates, and in cases where they notice lies and slander in the words of these others, they must immediately denounce and stop them, and protect and calm those who innocently suffer from them. Yes, this is how it should be. For otherwise, if he who has authority gives indiscriminate faith to the slanders of everyone he meets against his subordinates, if he has special minions, earphones, and whisperers, then, truly, in the society entrusted to his care, people will live as in hell: the wicked will lift up their heads, the innocent may fall into despair, and there will undoubtedly be no end to quarrels and confusion. evil tongues must bridle, the mouths of the wicked must be stopped, and the good name of the slandered must be restored. Only under such conditions can they hope that good relations will be established among their subordinates, peace and quiet will be established, and each will be more zealous for his work, being calmer. And God grant that all this will be so. Amen.Sisters who lived in the Diveyevo women's community near Sarov, for which Venerable Seraphim took special care during his lifetime. ^

On Heavy and Unbearable Burdens

Some of the Christians – some out of zeal beyond reason, others out of simplicity, others out of pride – often take upon themselves heavy and unbearable burdens and think that by doing so they will be saved. and the fourth, finally, imposes a fast on himself beyond his strength. It is impossible because they are. obviously, they have not assimilated the truth that the Lord desires from us not such feats as they bear or wish to bear, but some others. One of the disciples of St. Seraphim of Sarov tells the following about himself: "Having read how the holy fathers, out of their love for the Lord God, put on chains and hairshirts, and I burned with the desire, following their example, to take upon myself something for the Lord's sake, for the mortification of the flesh. Therefore, for three years from the time of my entry into the monastery, I strove with all my might to acquire the desired chains or sackcloth through some spiritual personage. I decided, before taking them upon myself, to go to Father Seraphim, in order to receive his blessing for this podvig, believing that my desire and zeal would be pleasing to him as well.When I came to his cell and said a prayer according to custom, the elder opened the door for me and, blessing me very graciously, put me on a piece of wood, which served him instead of a chair. Then, closing the door, he sat down opposite me, smiling quietly.At that very time I was about to ask his blessing for my difficult feat, but I had just opened my mouth, when at the same moment the elder covered my mouth with his hand and himself, continuing to smile, began to say to me: "I will tell you this: the Diveyevo babies come to me and ask for my advice and blessing, some wear chains, and others wear sackcloth; What do you think about it, is their road on the road? Tell me."And I, like a blind man, not understanding then that he was saying this secretly about me, and not knowing who the Diveyevo babies were, answered him: "I do not know." Then he repeated again with an even greater smile: "How come you do not understand this? I am telling you about the Diveyevo babies, that they come to me and ask my advice and blessing to put on chains and hairshirts; I answered him for the second time: "I, father, do not know whether it will be useful to them or not." And at the same time I told him everything as I wished and how I got these things. The elder, having listened to me, again said with the same smile as before: "How come you do not understand, for this is what I am telling you about." then I understood clearly why he had stopped my mouth at the beginning of the conversation, and what chains and hairshirt he had told me afterwards. Meanwhile, while I, amazed by the spiritual wisdom of the elder, was silent, he suddenly swung his right hand at me, as if wishing to strike me with all his might, but he did not strike me, but only touched my ear and said: "Whoever will stab you in this way is a spiritual and the heaviest veriga." Then, as if wishing to spit on me, he said: "And if someone spits your eyes in this way, this is the spiritual and most salvific sackcloth; only you have to wear them with thanksgiving. And know that these spiritual chains and sackcloth are higher than those of which you think and wish to wear... You and I are still infants, and the passions still reign in our body and oppose the will and Law of God. What will happen if we put on chains and sackcloth, and sleep, drink, and eat as much as we like? Moreover, we cannot bear the slightest insult from a brother generously. From the superior's word and reprimand, we fall into complete despondency or despair, so that we go to another monastery in thought, and look with envy at our brethren, who are in the mercy and trust of the abbot. From this, judge for yourself how little or no foundation in us in spiritual life. And all this is because we do not think much about it and heed it."Completely struck by the gift of clairvoyance of the wonderful elder, I fell at his feet and from that moment I gave myself over to him, both body and soul, in his complete command and guide to eternity, according to God, for the attainment of the Kingdom of Heaven."From this narration it becomes clear that the Lord desires from us first of all such feats, so that we, in the words of the venerable elder, learn to forgive offenses and love our enemies; that, remembering that we are still infants and that the passions still reign in our body, we may strive to gain spiritual self-control and victory over ourselves, which consists in bearing insults generously, not to become discouraged or despairful of unpleasant words, to abandon envy and pride, and to seek salvation in humility. And let them follow them in this way, that they may attain to the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

The saints who dwell in heaven have communion with those who dwell on earth

We all believe that the saints who dwell in heaven have fellowship with those who dwell on earth. Is this true? Venerable Seraphim of Sarov said to one of the nuns of the Diveyevo women's community on the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos: "We will have a vision of the Mother of God." And his words were justified.This is how the nun told about it: "This is what happened. At this time there was a noise, like the noise of the forest from a great wind. When it subsided, singing was heard, similar to church singing. Then the door to the cell opened of its own accord, and it became whiter than the brightest day, and the cell was filled with a fragrance similar to dewy incense, only better. I was scared. Father stood up and said to me: "Do not be afraid, child, this is a mercy sent down to us from God. Here is our Most Glorious, Most Pure Lady, the Most Holy Mother of God, coming to us." Their hair was golden-yellow linen and lay loose on their shoulders. They stood in front, followed by St. John the Baptist and St. John the Theologian. Their clothes were white, shining with cleanliness. The Mother of God followed them, and after her twelve holy virgins. The Queen of Heaven wore a mantle similar to that which is painted on the image of the Sorrowful Mother of God – brilliant, of indescribable beauty, she shone with an extraordinary light. On Her head was a sublime crown, variously adorned with crosses, beautiful, wonderful, shining with such light that it was difficult to look at it, as well as at the very face of the Queen of Heaven. Her hair was loose over Her shoulders and was longer and more beautiful than the angels.The virgins followed Her in pairs, wearing crowns, in clothes of different colors; They were of different heights, had different faces and different colors, hair also lying on their shoulders. Everything is of great beauty. Everyone stood around us. The Queen of Heaven was in the middle. The cell became spacious, and the top was filled with lights, as if from burning candles. I got scared and fell. The Queen of Heaven came up to me, and touching me with Her right hand, deigned to say: "Arise, virgin, and do not be afraid of us; virgins like you have come hither with me." I didn't feel like I got up. The Queen of Heaven was pleased to repeat: "Do not be afraid, we have come to visit you." Father Seraphim was already on his feet before the Most-Pure Mother of God, and She spoke to him as mercifully as if to a native person. Overwhelmed with great joy, I asked Father Seraphim, "Where are we?" Then, when I asked him: "Who is this?", the Most Holy Theotokos ordered me to go up to the virgins and ask them myself. They stood gradually on the sides, as they were walking: in the first places stood the Great Martyrs Barbara and Catherine, secondly, the First Martyr Thekla and the Great Martyr Marina, thirdly, the Great Martyr and Queen Irene and the Nun Eupraxia, fourthly, the Great Martyrs Pelagia and Dorothea, fifthly, the Nun Macrina and the Martyress Justina, Sixthly, the Martyrs Juliana and Anisia.I went up to each of them, and they all told me their names and feats of martyrdom and life for Christ's sake, similar to what is written about them in the Chetii-Menaion; they all said to me: "This is not how God gave us this glory, but for suffering, for reproach. And thou shalt suffer tribulation and persecution." The Most Holy Theotokos spoke a lot to Father Seraphim, which I could not hear, but only one thing I heard: "Do not leave My virgins." After this wondrous vision, Father Seraphim, turning to me, said: "This is the grace that the Lord has vouchsafed us, the poor. In the same way, this is the twelfth time that God has appeared to me, so the Lord has vouchsafed you. This is the joy you achieve! Defeat the enemy the devil and be wise in everything against him, and the Lord will help you in everything. Call upon the help of the Lord and the Mother of God, and all the saints, and remember me, the wretched. Remember and always say in prayer: "Lord, how will I die? Lord, how can I come to the Last Judgment, how can I come? Lord, give an answer for my deeds! Queen of Heaven, help me!" It is clear, then, that the saints who dwell in heaven have fellowship with those who dwell on earth. And this communion, as the example of the monk has shown, can sometimes be accompanied by miraculous manifestations of the Celestials.All this, of course, should strengthen us in faith in God and in love for Him, in faith in life beyond the grave and in retribution after death, and lead us ourselves to try to enter into communion with the saints who have migrated to the Heavenly World. How can we attain the latter? It is clear that through a holy life, a constant aspiration of the mind and heart to the Heavenly, eternal and Divine, and especially through frequent visits to God's churches and reverent stay in them, for there communion with God and the saints is easiest to achieve." There, that is, in the churches, says St. John Chrysostom, we together with the Celestials lift up this mysterious hymn, together with them we sing the Trisagion. There we become one with the Seraphim, join the Heavenly assembly, are numbered among the Angels, converse with the Lord, and are in communion with Jesus Christ." Both heavenly and earthly beings make up one common triumph. They have one thanksgiving, one joyful rejoicing. The ineffable mercy of the Lord brought them together. The Holy Spirit united them, the All-Good Father harmonized their singing into one harmonious song. Such is the close communion we can receive with God and His saints in the churches of God! This search will teach us to live in heaven in spirit while living on earth, will reveal to us the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, and will arouse in us a zeal to imitate the lives of the saints. Amen.

On the Folding of Fingers for the Sign of the Cross

The Old Believers reproach us for making three fingers for the sign of the cross, and not two, as they do. It is simpler, because we pray with three fingers, and not with two fingers. In reproaching us for this, they are mistaken, for the three-finger addition is ancient and has grace-filled power. That it is ancient is evident from the fact that Orthodox Christians (except Russians): Greeks, Arabians, Egyptians, Georgians, Serbs, Wallachians, Moldavians, Bulgarians, Dalmatians, Montenegrins and others, often remote from each other in their place of residence, differing in language and manner of government, from time immemorial have been praying with the cross, which is made in the sign of the Holy Trinity from the first three fingers of the right hand, which they first place on the forehead, Then on Percy, and then on the right and left shoulders. And all the monks of the holy Mount Athos, as well as monks living in various Greek islands, monasteries and sketes, monks fleeing in the deserts of Palestine, Egypt and Arabia, pray with exactly the same cross. And that it, the three-finger fold, is a composition that has grace-filled power, we will prove to the Old Believers by the following two incidents from the life of Venerable Seraphim of Sarov.Once a sick woman was brought to the monastery cell of Father Seraphim, carried into the elder's dwelling and laid on the floor. The elder asked: "How long have you been ill?" – "Three and a half years," she answered. "What is the cause of your illness?" – "I used to be," said the sick woman, "of the Orthodox faith, but I was given in marriage to an Old Believer. For a long time I was not inclined to their faith and everything was healthy. Finally, they persuaded me: I changed the cross for a two-fingered finger and did not go to church.After that, in the evening, I went to the yard to do household chores; there one animal seemed to me to be fiery, even scorched me; I fell down in fright, I began to break and writhe. A lot of time passed. The family grabbed me, looked for me, went out into the yard and found me - I was lying. They carried me into the room. I've been sick ever since." And do you again believe in the Holy Orthodox Church?" – "I believe again now," answered the sick woman. Then Father Seraphim folded his fingers in the Orthodox way, put a cross on himself and said: "Cross yourself like this, in the name of the Holy Trinity." – "I would be glad," answered the sick woman, "but I do not use my hands." Father Seraphim took the "Tenderness" oil from the Mother of God from the lampada and anointed the chest and hands of the sick woman. On the same day, Father Seraphim asked a nun who came to him, among other things: "Did you have relatives among the dead who prayed with a two-fingered cross?" Then he said to her: "Go to their graves, make three prostrations and pray to the Lord that He may resolve them in eternity." The nun did so. She also told the living to accept the Orthodox finger, and they would definitely obey the voice of Father Seraphim, for they knew that he was a saint of God and understood the mysteries of the Holy Faith of Christ. Once, a villager, going to Sarov for pilgrimage, received such a cruel blow just before leaving that he completely lost his memory, and he was brought unconscious to the Sarov hermitage. As soon as they approached the elder's cell, the sick man already felt relief in himself: his memory and understanding gradually began to return to him again, and he began to remember everything that Father Seraphim had said and done to him at that time. "God is merciful! Pray to Him in this way, and in time it will all pass." And indeed, a little after the sick man's return home, he became completely healthy through the prayers of the God-pleaser Seraphim.From all that has been said, it is clear that the three-fingered sign of the cross is both ancient and has grace-filled power. And in view of this, as it is said in the preface to the Psalter: "Let us firmly and invariably adhere to the most ancient observant all-Church tradition, to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity, placing the sign of the cross on ourselves with the first three joined fingers, which is maintained by the Orthodox, Catholic, and Eastern Church." "Let us depict it, says the saint, – on the bread that we eat, and on the cups from which we drink; let us depict him at the entrances, at the exits; when we go to bed and get up; when we are on the road and resting. It is a sign for the faithful and fear for evil spirits. Amen."