Under the roof of the Almighty. Part I. In the Parental Home

From my mother's stories, I understood that, indeed, she traveled miraculously, with the miraculous help of St. Nicholas. My mother got from Moscow only to Kalyazin, passenger trains did not go further, because it was already close to the front line there. My mother still had about twenty kilometers to go to Uglich. What should I do? But the Lord helped: my mother prayed and asked to spend the night in some hut. Mother told the hostess about her trouble, that she did not know how to get to Uglich. "You have not been brought to me by God," the woman answered. - My husband works on a steam locomotive. Tonight the military personnel will go to the front, they will pass by Uglich. If you want, your husband will hide you in a coal box, and drop you off near Uglich." Mother, of course, agreed, gave the kind hostess something and began to wait for the night.

The fireman took his mother to the locomotive, hid her among the blocks of coal, and said that he would agree with the driver on where it would be more convenient to drop her off.

"Please, stop the train for a second." Mom said. "I'm carrying a load, I can't jump on the move.

- How can you stop the military personnel for no reason? The fireman answered.

We began to drive up to Uglich. The train went quieter and quieter.

"They're changing the clocks here," said the stoker, "that's why we're slowing down." And you, as soon as you jump off, walk along the path and do not look back, do not give the impression that you have stepped off the locomotive.

"Stop me for a second, I can't jump with the load, high!" - my mother begged.

The fireman went up to the driver again and talked to him.

- Let's slow down for a second, I'll help you, but don't hesitate! he said.

Indeed, the train stopped, my mother jumped off. Without looking back at the train, she walked with her sacks at the ready along the railroad tracks, calling on all the saints for help. But what has risen here! From all the cars, like ants, soldiers poured down, who jumped down shouting:

-What happened? Why the stop?

But the fireman calmly waved to the soldiers, indicating that they should jump back up.

- Riflemen, riflemen delayed! he shouted. -I am fine!

The train picked up speed and left, and my mother walked, not herself from fear, from fear and trembling before the mercy of God, Who hears our prayers and does not abandon those who hope in Him.