Messages. Book II

When the former were still standing, I was surprised that they, not repenting of their former fall on the occasion of adultery and the union of adulterers, began to speak out on the present subject [2]. I, humble, thought that they might have privately repented among themselves, and rejoiced at their correction.

But, as it turned out, having built their house on the sand, they fell in the most grievous fall at the breath of the rebellious heresy, again calling the distortion of the truth economy. They were a stumbling block to the Church of God before, and now they also lead everyone to perdition by their deeds. Thus, many inclined to participate in evil in difficult circumstances, hoping to find some way to perform feats of piety without sorrows and calamities, have become partakers of the renunciation of Christ, the Mother of God, and all the saints. For this is precisely what it means to reject the icon of one of them.

Alas, misfortune! Alas, seduction! Alas for me! How did they, having started well, turn back? Alas for me! For how many will they serve as a pretext for the fall: for equals and superiors, for the laity, clergy and monks? But this is an old wound, an inner evil. Joseph, who was rightly called the husband of adulterers, and now the blasphemer of Christ, is the leader of this old custody.

How shall we respond to this? Will we be weak? Will we lose heart? Do we really not have the strength to confess and defend Christ at the same time? No, brethren, no. For if when the wicked fall, the righteous are struck with fear, then when they fall, one who stands close to them must be extremely careful. Therefore, I urge you, let us become firmer in the Lord, fearing nothing from adversaries.

Is it for the sake of the fallen that our confession is made? Not for them or others. Were we, in establishing ourselves in their standing, strong enough to be shaken when they fell? Let it not be! Christ is our Foundation, on which we stand, which we boast of, saying with Paul: Who shall separate us from the love of God, be it tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? But we overcome all this by the power of Him who loved us (Romans 8:35,37). Thus, whoever does not stand out and strive for Christ cannot be a Christian.

Are the feats of the martyrs, the struggle, the sufferings in vain? Were they not of one flesh with us? Had they not suffered in such torments? Did they not lose hope of being alive, as the Apostle says (2 Corinthians 1:8)? But, out of fear of eternal torment and out of a desire for heavenly retribution, they, as prudent ones, decided to undergo bodily death rather than eternal death. They were not afraid, they were not afraid, and imagining the future as the present, they gladly went to torture, considering great sufferings to be gifts. It has been given to you for God's sake, for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him (Phil. 1:29), and in another place: for in the midst of the great trial of afflictions they abound in joy (2 Corinthians 8:2). All the saints rejoiced and admired so much, suffering for Christ.

Let us also, beloved, taste the love of Christ: let us follow in the footsteps of the saints, let us reject the addictions of this world. We have no permanent city here (Hebrews 13:14), the heavenly Jerusalem is our Fatherland and our city, O men who are strong in the Spirit, O children of God, and not mine, a sinner!

Let us not bow, even if we all fall, let it not be! But we will fight alone, both before and now, strengthened by God. God and all the saints who have been from eternity are with us, east and west are with us. Not great is the part that has torn itself away from the heavenly Church out of fear, for the sake of temporal blessings, for the sake of the flesh, which after a while we will give up to eternal fire together with the soul, if we do not defend the truth.

Let us be tempted, let it be, let us be scourged, and often, let us finally die. Is it not an unspeakable joy to receive the kingdom of heaven and thereby attain immortal glory, and on the contrary, having avoided the above, will we not thus become a laughing stock to the end, and endure endless shame?

Так прошу вас, дети мои, которых я родил в Господе, которых возрастил Христос в делах и трудах не только подвига, но и борьбы, дополните мою радость: имейте одни мысли, имейте ту же любовь, будьте единодушными и единомысленными; ничего не делайте по любопрению или по тщеславию, но по смиренномудрию почитайте один другого высшим себя (Флп.2:2-3). Это апостольские увещания, хотя и припоминаемые мной, несчастным.

Молитесь и обо мне, прошу вас, чтобы мне дана была сила, крепость, слово за вас, хотя я и недостоин божественной благодати, чтобы мы единогласно и единодушно прославляли Бога в теле и в духе нашем.

Пошли к архиепископу доброго Дионисия. Приветствуй авву Петра, авву Игнатия и авву Тифоия и покажи им это письмо. Затем будь готов вместе с прочими и особенно с вышеупомянутыми; ибо, когда пали близкие к нам, нам следует быть внимательными, чтобы они не обольщали нас. Да даст Господь силу, крепость, ум, глаз, благоразумие и все, чтобы вам хорошо действовать в честь и славу Христову, в похвалу мою, в вечную славу вашу! Находящиеся со мною приветствуют вас обоих. Христос с вами. Аминь.


1. Написано в 815 году.