The Psalter of David

Psalm 69

1 To the head of the choir. Psalm of David. In remembrance.

2 Make haste, O God, deliver me, hasten, O Lord, to help me.

3 Let them be ashamed and ashamed of those who seek my soul! May those who wish me harm be turned back and ridiculed!

4 Let them turn back because of their reproach to me, saying, 'Well done! good!"

5 Let all those who seek thee rejoice and be gladness in thee, and let them that love thy salvation say without ceasing, 'Great is God!'

6 But I am poor and needy; God, hurry up to me! Thou art my help and my Deliverer; God! Not slow.

Psalm 70

1 In thee, O Lord, I trust, that I may never be ashamed.

2 In thy righteousness deliver me, and set me free; incline thy ear unto me, and save me.

3 Be I a firm refuge where I may always take refuge; Thou hast commanded me to be saved, for thou art my stronghold and my fortress.

4 My God! deliver me out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the wicked, and out of the hand of the wicked, and of the oppressor;

5 For thou art my hope, O Lord God, my hope from my youth.

6 In thee have I rested from the womb; Thou hast brought me out of my mother's womb; My praise shall not cease unto thee.

7 To many I have been as a wonder, but thou art my sure hope.

8 Let my lips be filled with praise, Thy splendor all the day.

9 Cast me not away in my old age; When my strength fails, forsake me not;

10 For my enemies speak against me, and they that lie in wait for my soul take counsel among themselves,

11 saying, "God has forsaken him; pursue him and seize him, for there is no one who delivers."

12 God! do not depart from me; My god! Hurry to help me.

13 Let those who are enemies against my soul be ashamed and perish, let them be covered with shame and disgrace who seek evil against me.