Father Arseny

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Institute is collecting and processing materials related to the fate of the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church repressed in the 20th century. The Institute has created an information system based on the personal data of more than 14,000 hierarchs, priests, monastics and ordinary believers who suffered for Christ during the recent persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church. The commemoration book of the new martyrs, compiled on the basis of this information and containing the names of the victims of the current day, is read today in monasteries and parishes throughout Russia.

The editors appeal to all living witnesses, to people of the older generation, to workers of libraries, archives and museums, to those who are already doing this work, with a request to report all little-known information about the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 20th century, its clergy and well-known figures to the Department of Contemporary History of the Russian Orthodox Church at the address: 113184, Moscow, Novokuznetskaya Street, 23B; fax 953-56-97; e-tail pstbi.ccas.ru.