«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

(Proverbs 31:12-21, 25, 28-9).

What to do so that the Lord hears the prayer?

If you wish to offer a pure prayer to God, then first examine your mind and arrange it in such a way that when you say: be merciful

— and you were merciful to him who beseeches you;

When you say, "Do not remember my trespasses," and you did not remember the sins of your neighbor

Your; When thou shalt say, Remember not mine

voluntary and involuntary falls, — and you will not

he remembered the offenses with which he was upset. If

if you do not do this, then you will pray in vain. And God will not hear you, as He testifies

Scripture. Thus, in the Gospel the Lord commands us to pray in this way: And leave it to us

our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you (Matt. 6:12, 14). And in

The Gospel of Luke says: "Let them go, and they shall let you go" (Luke 6:37). And in another place He teaches the disciples to pray thus: And forgive us our sins, for both

we ourselves forgive to every one of our debtors (Luke 11:4).

What is repentance?

Repentance is a cure, a destroyer of sin; it is a heavenly gift and a miraculous power, which, by the mercy of God, is the power of retribution for


The transgression of the law prevails. Here's why

it does not reject the fornicator, it does not drive away the adulterer, it does not abhor the drunkard, it does not abhor

the idolater, despises neither the reproacher nor the

a blasphemer, nor a proud one, but betrays everyone, for repentance is a furnace that completely cleanses sin.