«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

She consecrated a cross on a chain, a pendant with the Virgin Mary and the Divine Child. I wore it around my neck together for two months. On January 13 of this year, at lunchtime, I was washing the floor in the house and, when I finished washing in the bedroom, the pendant fell to the floor; The chain is intact, the pendant is intact. What does that mean?

Do not pay attention to such phenomena, because when you pay attention to them, it can turn into superstitions, and if you have lost it, then you need to repent of the loss.

I came to the church, stood there; before and during the service I see a beautiful, golden glow of icons, gates, etc. What is it?

Any visions in the church or outside of it are not useful to us, sinners. We must pray to God that the Lord deliver us from them, otherwise this can lead to self-deception and "delusion," that is, to the state when a person begins to think of himself as something lofty and considers himself worthy of such visions. And this is a fertile ground for the influence of dark forces.

A woman (old) does bad things to people (curses, etc.), goes to church, confesses, but sighs heavily at every service. Why?

Try never to accuse a person of witchcraft and so on. Even the saints avoided this. Only God knows what is in man. Very different people come to church. And deeply religious, and even sorcerers and psychics. And everyone comes with their own goals. However, true Christians are recognized in the following way: "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another" (John 13:35).

Is it possible to be an unbaptized Christian?

"The soul is Christian by nature," says one of the Church Fathers. But only the baptized are Christians, who fulfill the commandments of Christ and live according to the laws of the Church, which, in the words of the Holy Apostle Paul, is "the pillar and ground of the Truth" (1 Tim. 3:15).

Is it necessary to get married? And before the Lord, if we are unmarried, are we sinners, are we unclean?