«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

If both future spouses are believers, baptized and Orthodox, then the wedding is necessary and obligatory, since during the performance of this Sacrament, the spouses receive a special grace that sanctifies the marriage. Marriage after the wedding becomes not only an ordinary union of two people, but a Sacrament of the Church.

When I confess my sins, and so many sins have been forgotten since childhood that I can't even remember what will happen to me if I don't mention them before the Lord. They will remain in my soul. Especially minor sins, as they say: slander, deception, condemnation, anger, perjury, obscene jokes, jokes, songs, etc. In general, how many sins from youth!

To do this, you need to get a detailed list of sins, choose your sins and confess. In order to receive the greatest possible cleansing of the soul from sins in confession, it is necessary to pray to God that He would reveal our sins to us, but because of weakness we forget them. Especially the so-called "minor sins". In order to receive a more complete forgiveness of sins, it is necessary to have a very strong desire, and during Great Lent it is necessary that the Sacrament of Unction or Unction be performed over you in church. In this Sacrament, all sins that we have forgotten or were not very clearly aware of are forgiven.

How is the word "blessed" to be understood, namely, "blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven"? What poor in spirit and why?

"Blessed" means happy. Happy are the poor in spirit – these are those people who realize that they are only at the beginning of the spiritual movement towards the Kingdom of Heaven, who realize that they lack their own strength to achieve spiritual affairs and who need Divine help. These people always strive for the ideal of holiness. Pharisaic self-satisfaction is alien to them, which engenders stagnation, stagnation, and the end of perfection. Therefore, such people are not far from reaching the Kingdom of Heaven, and this is the greatest happiness.

Is it true that one must first read a prayer and only then cross oneself? Or can I read it?

По уставу Церкви крестное знамение полагается совершать в начале и в конце молитвы.

Хорошо ли молиться за обидящих?

Господу угодна молитва за обидящих нас, а потому нужно за них молиться.