Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. Transaction

here is the descent of the Holy Spirit and the testimony of God: My Son

beloved (Matthew 3:16-17). The Lamb is a sacrifice. The same in

Transfiguration. The Gospel tells us that Elijah and Moses speak to Him about

His coming suffering, and suddenly He shines with uncreated light

(Luke 9:29-36) The Lord's entry into Jerusalem — and the coming Passion, O

which is specifically spoken of (John 12:12 ff.). This is what

There is absolutely no non-Christian meditation. The cross was removed, the tragedy was seized, it

Inappropriate. It's as if all people went into such meditation, everything would not exist

This. But it is also an illusion in the sense that sin has happened, evil

is, the fall is complete, Christ is crucified. And you can't do all this

Just remove it by the fact that you yourself will go into the depths where it does not concern you.

Nevertheless, as far as Ramakrishna is concerned, Vivekananda and in general the non-Christian

mysticism, it is very difficult to generalize. But whomever a person prays to, in fact, he

prays to the only God who exists. You can put in front of

but if you pray to God, He hears you beyond the idol,

Which is, and not the one that does not exist. God is non-confessional. He did not

belongs to a certain religion, a certain group. He shines equally with light,

He sends His rain on the good and on the evil. He doesn't discriminate, He looks into

the heart of man. A person may err mentally, but pray truly; This is

different things. Here is an example from another field, not Hindu. In the Jewish

literature there is a story about how two Israeli teachers argued on the