Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. Transaction

West. What is ecumenism?

It is the striving of Christian confessions to become one Church: and therefore

at the very center, at the heart of the ecumenical movement, stands the Gospel, the word of Christ,

Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a very important point, because

The ecumenical movement is not an attempt by any diplomatic means

to overcome the differences or disunity of the Christian Churches, this is an attempt to

grow into the Gospel so that suddenly it turns out that we are all one in Christ. Here

The real meaning of ecumenism.

The ecumenical movement was born out of the consciousness of a relatively small group

people that Christians had separated so long ago and had ceased to communicate so long ago that

They have ceased to understand each other at all, and that it is necessary to create some kind of

organization, a place where Christians of different faiths will not meet with

criticizing or tearing each other apart, and in front of each other

to bear witness to what they have learned over the centuries about God, they have learned about life,

learned about the Church. It can be a lot or a little – this topic has not been raised,

The question was raised that we had separated and no longer knew each other. And he was

a remarkable period between 1948 and the early sixties, when Christians

of different faiths met in the ecumenical movement, knowing that

The interlocutor is open, not closed, that the interlocutor will listen with sincerity

the desire to hear and understand what is said to him, although not necessarily

agree that if there is an objection, questions or dispute, then in order to