Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. Transaction

to introduce a new base, which would be theologically "richer" and which

turned out to be like a quagmire. It was proposed: cannot participate,

A church that does not believe in the One God in the Three cannot be a member of the movement

Faces. And then trouble happened, because some churches are one of the

The Netherlands and one from Switzerland have written a statement that they are ready for this

wording, provided that it is not specified in any way that we want

to say when we speak of Persons: these can be real Persons, it can be

allegory, it can be a concept, but there should be nothing about it

Said. And, unfortunately, at the congress in Delhi167

It was accepted. It was said: well, agree with the wording, and we

We will not demand any explanations from you on the content. And at that moment

became much more difficult, because when it was very

elementary, the requirement of faith in the Divinity of Christ and in the fact that He is the Saviour, we

knew where we were; when this Trinitarian formula was introduced, but vague,

It became much more difficult to know who you were dealing with.

Then the next stage, which has already begun in Delhi. There was concern about

проблемах современности— в тот момент о голоде, об обездоленности ряда

стран, в частности Индии, некоторых стран Африки, и было внесено предложение,

что экуменическое движение будет всеми силами стараться помогать нуждающимся

без всякого различия вероисповедания, политического режима и так далее; и было

сделано предложение ввести формулировку, что мы будем делать вместе все то, что