«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

235 ?. G.?????. ? ?????????? ??? ?. ?????????. ??????., 1970. ?. 136.

236 See: ?. ?????????. '???????? ??????????? ??? ???????. ??????., 1977. ?. 67.

237 St. Cyril of Alexandria. On the Incarnation of the Lord, 6.

238 St. Gregory the Theologian. Homily 38, 12 // Creations. Part 3. P. 201: a person, having sinned, becomes "an exile, removed at the same time from the tree of life, and from Paradise, and from God." In spite of this, man "acquires something, namely death, for the suppression of sin, so that evil does not become immortal. In this way, the punishment itself is made by love for mankind. For this, as I am persuaded, God punishes."

239 St. John Chrysostom. Discourses on the Book of Genesis. 8, 3 // Creations. T. 4. Kn. 1, p. 159; ibid. To Stagirius. 1, 3 // Creations. T. 1. Kn. 1, p. 170.

240 He is the same. Conversations on Psalms, 114 // Creations. T. 5. Kn. 1, p. 342.

241 Same. Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew 31:3 // Creations. T. 7. Kn. 1, pp. 344–345.

242 A. ????????. '??? ?????. (?????????? ??????? ??? ?? ??????????????). ??????, 1979. ?. 24.

243 Краткий молитвослов. Афины, б. г. С. 371. Молитва 1–я из Последования на исход души. (На греч.).

244 См.: Свт. Иоанн Златоуст. Беседа о диаволе. 1, 3 // Творения. Т. 2. Кн. 1. С. 278.

245 Он же. О статуях. II, 2 // Творения. Т. 2. Кн. 1. С. 138.

246 Свт. Иоанн Златоуст. О статуях. II, 5 // Творения. Т. 2. Кн. 1. С. 138.

247 Там же. II, 2 и 5.

248 А. ????????. '??? ?????, (????????? ??????? ??? ?? ??????????????). ??????, 1979. ?. 24.