«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

a reason for the tempter to occupy the thought of the ascetic of piety not with the afterlife, but with the present life (St. Theophan For the Creator).

In order to hate sin, think more often, and especially when you are tempted, about the harmful consequences of sin – about the harm that can

come from it for you for all eternity, if not


You should always move away from the causes that excite

enemy warfare, and not to approach things that can harm the soul. And I'm not talking about baits

but also about everything desirable with which it can

to be tempted by the freedom of good will.

When a person tempts God. There is false hope

a reckless, daring hope in God. For example, they subject their bodily or mental life to

great danger in the hope that God will miraculously save her; confidently await a miracle from God

to prove someone's innocence; in need

and the poor are idle in anticipation of God's help; in illness they do not want to go to the doctor, leaving the whole matter to God. Then man tempts God. More

False hope is expressed in too much confidence in one's own eternal salvation.

For salvation, one must avoid temptations – temptations

and excessive friendship with everyone.

One should not throw oneself into temptations (suffer

for the faith) before the time, before God's permission to do so, but on the contrary, one must pray so as not to fall into temptations (St. Basil the Great).

Do not be hard-hearted to him who is subjected to

temptation, but try to comfort him as you would

they themselves wished to be comforted.