The Book of Tobit (Deuterocanon.)

17 Only when you enter the marriage chamber, take an incense burner, put the hearts and livers of the fish into it, and smoke it;

18 And the demon shall smell it, and shall depart, and shall never return. When you need to approach it, both stand up, call on the merciful God, and He will save and have mercy on you. Don't be afraid; for she is ordained for you from eternity, and you will save her, and she will go with you, and I know that you will have children by her. And when Tobias heard this, he fell in love with her, and his soul cleaved to her. And they came to Ecbatana.


1 And they came to the house of Raguel. Sarah met and greeted them, and they hers, and led them into the house.

2 And Raguel said to Edna his wife, How much this young man is like Tobit my brother's son!

3 And Raguel asked them, 'Where are you from, brethren?' And they answered him, We are of the sons of Naphtali, who were taken captive to Nineveh.

4 And he asked them, Do you know our brother Tobit? They answered: we know. Then he asked: is he healthy? They answered: I am alive and well.

5 And Tobias said, 'This is my father.'

6 And Raguel rushed to him, and kissed him, and wept.

7 And he blessed him, and said, 'You are the son of an honest and good man.' But when he heard that Tobit had lost his sight, he was grieved and wept;

8 And Edna his wife, and Sarah his daughter, wept. And they were received very cordially,

9 And they slaughtered a ram, and offered abundant food. And Tobias said to Raphael, Brother Azariah, speak of what thou hast spoken on the way; Let this matter be arranged!

10 And he related this speech to Raguel, and Raguel said to Tobias, 'Eat, drink, and be merry, for you must take my daughter.' However, I will tell you the truth:

11 I gave my daughter to seven men, and when they came in to her, they died that same night. But now be cheerful! And Tobias said, I will eat nothing here until you come to an agreement and make an agreement with me. Raguel said, Take her now by right; you are her brother, and she is yours. May the merciful God arrange you in the best possible way!