The Book of Tobit (Deuterocanon.)

13 And the Most High granted me mercy and favor with Enemessar, and I was his supplier;

14 And he went into Media, and gave to Gabael the brother of Gabriel, in the Ragae of the Medes, ten talents of silver.

15 And when Enemessar died, his son Sennacherib reigned in his stead, whose ways were not steady, and I was no longer able to go into Media.

16 In the days of Enemessar I did many good deeds to my brethren:

17 To the hungry he gave my bread, to the naked my garments, and if he saw any of my tribe dead, and cast out of the wall of Nineveh, he buried him.

18 And I also buried in secret those whom king Sennacherib had slain, when he returned from Judah being put to flight. And he slew many in his wrath. And the king searched for the corpses, but they were not found.

19 One of the Ninevites went and told the king that I was burying them; Then I disappeared. When I learned that they were trying to kill me, I fled from the city out of fear.

20 And all my goods were plundered, and I had nothing left but Hannah my wife, and Tobias my son.

21 And before fifty days had passed, his two sons slew him, and fled to the mountains of Ararat. And his son Saherdan reigned in his stead, who appointed Ahiachar Anaiel my brother's son over all the accounting part of his kingdom and over all the stewardship.

22 И ходатайствовал Ахиахар за меня, и я возвратился в Ниневию. Ахиахар же был и виночерпий и хранитель перстня, и домоправитель и казначей; и Сахердан поставил его вторым по себе; он был сын брата моего.


1 Когда я возвратился в дом свой, и отданы мне были Анна, жена моя, и Товия, сын мой, в праздник пятидесятницы, в святую седмицу седмиц, приготовлен у меня был хороший обед, и я возлег есть.

2 Увидев много снедей, я сказал сыну моему: пойди и приведи, кого найдешь, бедного из братьев наших, который помнит Господа, а я подожду тебя.

3 И пришел он и сказал: отец мой, один из племени нашего, удавленный, брошен на площади.