The Book of Judith (Deuterocanon.)

6 And when I return, the sword of my army, and the crowd of my servants, shall pass over thy side, and thou shalt fall among their wounded.

7 My servants shall bring thee into the hill country, and leave thee in one of the cities on high places,

8 And thou shalt not die there, until thou shalt be destroyed with them.

9 But if thou trustest in thy heart that they shall not be taken, let not thy countenance be fallen. I have spoken, and not one of my words will be lost.

10 And Holofernes commanded his servants, who were standing in his tent, to take Achior, and to bring him to Bethulia, and to deliver him into the hands of the children of Israel.

11 And the servants seized him, and brought him out of the camp into the field, and from the midst of the plain they went up into the hill country, and came to the springs which were under Bethuliah.

12 And when the inhabitants of the city saw them on the top of the mountain, they took up their arms, and went out of the city to the top of the mountain, and all the slingers guarded their rising, and threw stones at them.

13 And they came under the mountain, and bound Achior, and leaving him abandoned at the foot of the mountain, they went to their master.

14 And the children of Israel, having gone out of their own city, stopped over it, and loosed it, and brought it to Bethula, and presented it to the rulers of their city,

15 And in those days were Uzziah the son of Micah of the tribe of Simeon, Havri the son of Othniel, and Harmiah the son of Melchiel.

16 And they called together all the elders of the city, and all their young men and women came together in the assembly, and they set Achior in the midst of all their people, and Uzziah inquired of him what had happened.

17 And he answered and told them the words of the assembly of Holofernes, and all the words which he had spoken among the chiefs of the sons of Assyria, and all the haughty words of Holofernes concerning the house of Israel.

18 Then the people fell, worshipped God, and cried out,

19 O Lord God of heaven! look upon their pride and have mercy on the humility of our race, and look upon the face of those sanctified to Thee on this day.