The Book of Esther

12 And Mordecai returned to the king's gate. Haman hastened to his house, sad and covering his head.

13 And Haman told Zereshi to his wife, and to all his friends, all that had happened to him. And his wise men said to him, and to Zeresh, his wife, If Mordecai be of the tribe of Judah, because of whom thou hast begun to fall, thou shalt not overpower him, but thou shalt surely fall before him, for the living God is with him.

14 And while they were talking with him, the king's eunuchs came and urged Haman to go to the feast which Esther had prepared.


1 And the king came with Haman to feast with Esther the queen.

2 And king Esther said also on this second day at the feast, 'What desire is thy desire, Esther the queen?' it will be satisfied; And what is your request? at least to a half-kingdom, it will be fulfilled.

3 And Queen Esther answered and said, "If I have found favor in your eyes, O king, and if it pleases the king, then may my life be given to me according to my desire, and my people according to my request!"

4 For we, I and my people, have been sold to destruction, to slay, and to destruction. If we were sold as slaves and slaves, I would be silent, although the enemy would not compensate for the king's damage.

5 And king Ahasuerus answered and said to Esther the queen, 'Who is this, and where is he who dared in his heart to do so?'

6 И сказала Есфирь: враг и неприятель - этот злобный Аман! И Аман затрепетал пред царем и царицею.

7 И царь встал во гневе своем с пира и пошел в сад при дворце; Аман же остался умолять о жизни своей царицу Есфирь, ибо видел, что определена ему злая участь от царя.

8 Когда царь возвратился из сада при дворце в дом пира, Аман был припавшим к ложу, на котором находилась Есфирь. И сказал царь: даже и насиловать царицу хочет в доме у меня! Слово вышло из уст царя, - и накрыли лице Аману.

9 И сказал Харбона, один из евнухов при царе: вот и дерево, которое приготовил Аман для Мардохея, говорившего доброе для царя, стоит у дома Амана, вышиною в пятьдесят локтей. И сказал царь: повесьте его на нем.

10 И повесили Амана на дереве, которое он приготовил для Мардохея. И гнев царя утих.