For every high priest chosen from among men is appointed for men to serve God. Volume 12, Book 1, Discourse 8

1. Now Blessed Paul intends to show that this (new) testament is much better than the old. He does this by developing thoughts from afar. Since (in the New Testament) there was nothing material or figurative, such as the temple, nor the holy of holies, nor the priest clothed in such adornments, nor the lawful rites, but all that was higher and most perfect, there was nothing corporeal, but everything spiritual, and the spiritual does not have such a strong effect on the weakest people as the bodily, therefore (the Apostle) offers all this teaching. And look at his wisdom: he begins with the first priest, constantly calling him a bishop, and in him he first of all shows the difference (between the New and Old Testaments). To do this, he first defines what a priest is, shows what are the qualities of a priest and what are the signs of the priesthood; and since there was a perplexity in the fact that (Christ) was not of noble birth, did not come from a priestly tribe, and was not a priest on earth, and therefore some could say: What kind of priest is He? - this (the Apostle) does now the same as in the Epistle to the Romans. There, revealing the incomprehensible truth that faith accomplishes what the lawful labor and the podvig of life could not accomplish, and wishing to prove that what seemed impossible was fulfilled and justified, he pointed to the patriarch (Abraham) and turned his entire speech to that time (Rom. 4). In the same way, here too he points out another path to the priesthood, presenting as an example those who have received it before. Just as in his discourse on punishment he presents not only hell, but also what happened to the forefathers, so here also he first confirms the truth with real objects. Although it would be necessary to prove earthly things to the heavenly ones, but since the listeners were weak, he does the opposite. At the same time, he imagines in advance what is common (between Christ and the priest), and then shows in what He has an advantage, since in comparison the advantage is seen when it is seen what is the similarity and what is the superiority; and if this is not the case, then there can be no comparison. "For every high priest chosen from among men"; this is common to Christ (with the priest). "Appointed for men to serve God," and this is common. "To offer gifts and sacrifices" for the people; and this (common), although not completely. But the rest is no longer the same. "He who is able to bear with the ignorant and the erring, because he himself is burdened with infirmity, and therefore he must offer sins for the people as well as for himself." Further, he adds something else, namely, that (the priest receives the priesthood) from another, and does not appropriate it to himself; and this is common: "And no one accepts this honor of himself, but he who is called of God, even as Aaron was" (Hebrews 5:4). Here he warns against the other (error) and shows that (Christ) was sent from God. Christ Himself often said the same thing in a conversation with the Jews: "I came from God, and I came," and: "I did not come from Myself" (John 8:42). Here, it seems to me, he also alludes to the Jewish priests as untrue priests, who arrogated to themselves and violated the law of the priesthood. "Even so Christ did not arrogate to Himself the glory of being a high priest" (Hebrews 5:5). When, you say, was He ordained? Aaron was ordained repeatedly, namely, when the rod was vegetating and when the fire descended, which destroyed those who wanted to appropriate the priesthood to themselves; but here such people not only do not tolerate anything of the kind, but, on the contrary, enjoy a good reputation. Whence then (the priesthood of Christ)? This he proves by prophecy, (the Priesthood of Christ) has nothing sensual in it, nothing visible; wherefore he proves it by prophecy, and in the time to come, "But He who said," he says, "To him, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee." Was this said to the son? Yes, he says, this is said to the Son. But does this contribute to the resolution of the issue? And very much, because this is the preparation for ordination from God. "As in the other [place] he says: Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek" (Hebrews 5:6). To whom is this told? Who is in the order of Melchizedek? No one else but He, because all others were under the law, all kept the Sabbath, all were circumcised: no one else, he says, can be pointed out. "In the days of His flesh, with a mighty cry and with tears, He offered prayers and supplications to Him who was able to save Him from death; and he was heard because of [his] reverence; though He be the Son, yet through suffering He learned obedience" (Hebrews 5:7-8). Do you see what is explained here by nothing else than the care and abundance of love (of Christ)? What does it really mean, "with a mighty cry"? The Gospel nowhere says that (Christ) wept while praying, nor that He uttered a cry. Do you see that this means His condescension? Therefore (the Apostle) did not find it sufficient to say that He prayed, but also "with a mighty cry." "And he was heard," he says, "because of [His] reverence." "Though He be the Son, yet through His sufferings He learned obedience, and having been perfected, He became for all those who obey Him the author of eternal salvation, being called by God High Priest after the order of Melchizedek" (Hebrews 5:8:9-10). Let it be: "with a cry", but for what: "with a strong one"? "And with tears he brought," he says, "and was heard for [his] reverence." Let the heretics be ashamed who deny the reality of the flesh (of Christ). What does (the Apostle) say? The Son of God "and was heard because of [His] reverence." What can be said about the prophets? And what is the sequence in the words, "And he was heard for [His] reverence," and the following: "Though He be the Son, yet through suffering He learned obedience"? Who can say this about God? Who is so insane? What madman can say that? "And he was heard," he says, "because of [His] reverence." "Though He be the Son, yet through suffering He learned obedience." What kind of obedience did He learn? Having previously rendered obedience even unto death, as the Son to the Father, how did He learn obedience afterwards?

2. Do you see that this is said about the flesh? And why, tell me, did He pray to the Father for deliverance from death, was sorrowful, and said: "If it be possible, let this cup pass from me" (Matthew 26:39)? For the resurrection He never prayed to the Father, but on the contrary says on His own behalf: "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it up in three days" (John 2:19); and again, "No man takes it away from me, but I give it myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to receive it again" (John 10:18). What does that mean? Why did He pray? And in another place He says: "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn Him to death; and they shall deliver him up to the Gentiles to be mocked, and scourged, and crucified; and on the third day he shall rise again" (Matthew 20:18-19); but does not say, "The Father will raise me up." Why did He pray for this? But for whom did He pray? About those who believe in Him. The meaning of the words (of the Apostle) is as follows: He is soon heard. Since (the hearers) did not have a proper understanding of Him, he says that He was "heard," just as He Himself said to comfort His disciples: "If you had loved Me, you would have rejoiced that I said, I go to the Father; for My Father is greater than I" (John 14:28). Why did He not glorify Himself, Who exhausted Himself and gave Himself up (to death)? For He gave "Himself," says the Scriptures, "for our sins" (Gal. 1:4); and again: "He who gave Himself as a ransom for all" (1 Tim. 2:6). What does this mean? It is evident that He had His flesh in mind when He speaks of Himself in a humiliated manner. So here also (the Apostle) says: "He was heard for [His] reverence," wishing to show that this was more His merit than the work of God's grace. Such, he says, was His reverence, that for this also God honored Him. "Habit," he says, "obedience." Here again he shows what is the benefit of suffering. "And having been perfected, he became for all those who obey him the author of eternal salvation." If He, being the Son, benefited from suffering by learning obedience, how much more can we. Do you see how much (the Apostle) speaks about obedience, so that they may be submissive? It seems to me that they have often been disobedient, and have not followed what they have been told; He hints at this by saying, "Unable to listen." "By suffering," he says, he constantly learned to obey God. "And having been accomplished," i.e. by means of suffering. This is what perfection consists in, this is what perfection should be attained through! And not only was He Himself saved, but for others it abundantly served for salvation. "And having been accomplished," he says, "he became for all those who obey him the author of eternal salvation, being called by God High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. Of this we ought to say a great deal; but it is difficult to interpret, because you have become unable to hear" (Heb. 5:9-11). Intending to speak about the difference of the priesthood, he rebukes them beforehand, suggesting that such a condescending way of speaking is milk, that in their infancy he is more occupied with the humiliated teaching of the flesh and speaks of Him as of some kind of righteous man. And behold, he did not keep silent about it at all, nor did he say everything; He did the first in order to elevate their minds, to persuade them to strive for perfection and not to remain ignorant of high dogmas, and the second in order not to burden their minds. "Of this," he says, "we ought to speak much; but it is difficult to interpret, because you have become incapable of listening." "It is difficult to interpret" because they do not listen. Whoever deals with people who are inattentive and do not understand what is being taught, cannot fully explain the teachings to them. Perhaps some of you standing here are troubled and consider it a misfortune that (the apostle) found in the Jews an obstacle to teach the most perfect teaching. Though here, too, I think, with the exception of a few, there are many of the same, so that the same may be said of you, yet I will speak for a few. Did he, then, keep silent, or did he explain it afterwards, as he did in his ambassadors to the Romans? There he stopped the mouths of those who reproached and said: "And who are you, man, that you argue with God?" (Romans 9:20), then offered permission. So here, too, it seems to me, he did not completely keep silent and did not say everything in order to arouse zeal in his listeners. Having reminded them that there is something great in his words, see how he combines reproof with praise. This is what the wise Paul always did, mixing the unpleasant with the useful. For example, in the Epistle to the Galatians, he says: "You walked well: who stopped you" (Gal. 5:7)? and again: "Have you suffered so much in vain" (Gal. 4:3); and again: "I am confident in you in the Lord" (Gal. 5:10). He says the same to them (the Jews): "We hope that you are in a better [condition] and hold fast to salvation" (Hebrews 6:9). In this way he achieves two ends: he does not strain (the mind) too much, and he does not allow them to fall (in spirit). This is how it should be: if the examples of others can encourage the listener and arouse emulation in him, then when one finds an example in himself, when he is commanded to compete with himself, then the feasibility of teaching is revealed much more. Therefore he inspires this also, does not allow them to fall (in spirit) from strong reproof, and does not speak to them as if they had always been unkind, but expresses that they were once good. "For [judging by] the time, it behooved you to be teachers" (Hebrews 5:12). Here he shows that they have believed for a long time, and therefore inspires that they should instruct others also. Notice how often he begins to speak of the high priest and constantly postpones it; listen precisely to how he began: "Therefore, having a great High Priest, who has passed through the heavens"; and without saying "great," he goes on to say: "Every high priest chosen from among men is appointed for the service of God"; and again, "Neither did Christ arrogate to Himself the glory of being a high priest." Then, having said, "Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek," he again postpones the discourse of this and says: "He, in the days of His flesh, with a mighty cry and with tears, offered prayers and supplications."

3. Since he has deviated (from the main subject) so many times, he says, as if justifying himself: the reason for this is in you. Alas, what an incongruity. Those who were to teach others remained not only disciples, but also the last of the disciples. "For [judging by] time," he says, "you ought to be teachers; but you must again be taught the first principles of the word of God." "The first principles of the word of God" he here calls the teaching about humanity (Christ). Just as in the external sciences the writings must first of all be studied, so in the word of God the teaching about mankind must first be learned. Do you see for what reason Paul speaks of the humiliated? This is what he did with the Athenians when he conversed with them: "Forsaking the times of ignorance," he said, "God now commands all men everywhere to repent, for He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness, by means of the Man He has ordained, giving a testimony to all, raising Him from the dead" (Acts 17:30-31). Therefore, if he says anything about lofty things, he speaks briefly; but the despised is scattered in many places of the epistle. In this way the lofty is also revealed, because the very degraded can in no way be attributed to the divinity. In the same way, here, observing accuracy, he sets forth what is degraded in relation to humanity; and the reason is that his listeners could not perceive what was perfect. This he especially expressed in his Epistle to the Corinthians, when he said: "For if there be envy, contention, and dissension among you, are you not carnal" (1 Corinthians 3:3)? And look at his great wisdom, how he always turns according to the prevailing diseases. There weakness arose for the most part from ignorance and still more from vices, and here not only from vices, but also from constant sorrows; therefore he also uses expressions that can show this difference - there he said: "You are still carnal" (1 Cor. 3:3), and here, where there were more sorrows, he says: "Unable to listen." They could not receive them, because they were carnal; And these could, by saying, "Because you have become incapable of listening," he expresses that they were once healthy, strong, and burned with zeal, and testifies that they were later subjected to such an illness. "And you need milk, not solid food." Everywhere he calls the humiliated doctrine milk, both here and there. "In time," he says, "you were to be teachers"; as if he were saying: therefore, because you have become especially weak and weak, you must be especially strong - "in time". And he calls despised teaching milk because it befits the weakest; but for the most perfect it is unnecessary and it is harmful for them to dwell on it for a long time. Therefore, now we should not bring in what was under the law, and we should not consider (Christ) equal (to the priest), because He also is the high priest, because He also offered a sacrifice and prayed with crying and tears. And see how inconvenient this seems to us; but they were nourished at that time and did not seem at all inconvenient to them. Thus, the word of God is the true food that nourishes the soul. And that the word (of God) is food is evident from the following. "I will send," said (the Lord), "a famine upon the earth, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but a thirst for hearing the words of the Lord" (Amos 8:11). "I have nourished you with milk, and not with [solid] food" (1 Cor. 3:2). He did not say: he fed (but: gave him water), suggesting that this is not food; He expressed himself as if about little children who cannot eat bread, for whom it is not drink, but food serves them instead of drink. The same is true here. He did not say, "You have need," but, "You need milk, not solid food," i.e., you wanted, you brought yourself to such a state, to such a need. "Everyone who is nourished with milk is ignorant of the word of righteousness, because he is a babe" (Hebrews 5:13). What does it mean, "in the word of righteousness"? Here, it seems to me, he hints at the way of life. In the same way, Christ said: "Unless your righteousness surpasses the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees" (Matthew 5:20). Thus he also says: "ignorant of the word of righteousness," i.e. inexperienced in the highest wisdom, unable to lead a higher and perfect life. Or here he calls Christ the truth and the lofty teaching about Him. Having said, "Unable to hear," he did not add why this was so, but left it to them to understand for themselves, not wishing to make his words burdensome. In the Epistle to the Galatians he expressed his surprise and bewilderment (Gal. 1:6), which could have served much more to console them, when it also happened to them, as if beyond his expectation - this is where the perplexity consists. Do you see that there is another infancy and another perfection (besides bodily perfection)? Let us try to be perfect by this perfection; It is possible to attain this perfection both in childhood and in adolescence, because it is not a matter of nature, but of virtue. "But solid food is proper to the perfect, whose senses are accustomed by habit to distinguish between good and evil" (Hebrews 5:14). What does that mean? Did they not have refined feelings and did not know what is good and what is evil? He does not speak of life in the words: "To the discernment of good and evil" – it is possible and easy for every man to know this – but of right and high dogmas, as well as wrong and low teachings. A child does not know how to distinguish between bad and good food, often takes dirt in his mouth, takes harmful food and does everything without reasoning. But this is not perfection. Such are those who listen to everything without distinction and incline their ears to absurd teachings without reasoning. And he denounces them as people who are constantly wavering and giving themselves over to one thing or another. He hints at this at the end of the epistle, when he says: "Do not be carried away by divers and strange teachings" (Heb. 13:9). This is what it means: "to distinguish between good and evil." The larynx eats food, and the soul understands the teachings.

4. So let us also learn. If you hear that (a heretic) is neither a pagan nor a Jew, do not immediately consider him a Christian, but learn everything else: for both the Manichaeans and all the heretics took upon themselves this mask, in order thus to deceive the simplest people. If we have the senses of the soul, accustomed by habit to distinguish between good and evil, then we will be able to distinguish them. And how do our senses become accustomed? By unceasing listening, by exercising in the Scriptures. If we expound their error, if you listen today and tomorrow, and learn that they are not good, then you will learn everything, you will know everything; If you don't understand today, you will understand tomorrow. "In whom," he says, "the senses are accustomed by habit." Do you see that we must exercise our ears by hearing the divine (Scriptures), so as not to be carried away by strange novelties? "Accustomed," he says, "by habit," i.e., to be experienced. One (the heretic) says that there is no resurrection, another does not expect anything in the future, a third says that there is another God, a fourth that (Christ) has a beginning from Mary. See how all at once fell into error from immoderation, adding some and subtracting others (from the right teaching). Thus, the first of all heresies, Marcion's, invented another God, who does not exist: here is the addition! The next one, Savellieva, asserts that the Son and the Father and the Spirit are one person. Then Markellova and Fotinova preach the same thing. Further, Paul of Samosata, preaches that He received His beginning from Mary. Then comes the Manichaean, later heresy. And after them - Apieva. There are others. But we have accepted the faith simply, so that we have no need to cling to innumerable heresies and enter into research, but we consider everything that they think to add to it, or subtract from it, to be wrong. Just as legislators do not force a thousand measures to be taken, but command to adhere to that which is indicated, so it is in relation to dogmas. But no one wants to listen to the Scriptures. If we had listened to them, not only would we not have fallen into error, but we would have restrained others who erred and delivered them from danger. Thus, a strong warrior can not only defend himself, but also protect the one who stands next to him, and save him from the attacks of enemies. And now some do not even know what the Scriptures are, while the Holy Spirit took so many measures that they would be preserved. Turn to antiquity, and you will see the ineffable love of God. (God) inspired the blessed Moses, sculpted tablets, kept him forty days on the mountain, and as many others to give the law; then he sent prophets, who suffered innumerable calamities; when the war came, in which all were taken captive or destroyed, and the books were burned, then He again inspired another wonderful man, i.e. Ezra, to set them forth from the remnants. After that, He arranged for them to be translated by the seventy (interpreters), who translated them. Christ came and received them; the apostles spread them everywhere, after the signs and wonders performed by Christ. What's next? After such actions, the apostles also wrote, as Paul says: "It is written for the instruction of us who have reached the last ages" (1 Cor. 10:11); and Christ said: "Ye err not knowing the Scriptures" (Matt. 22:29); and again Paul says: "By patience and consolation from the Scriptures they kept hope" (Romans 15:4); and again: "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable" (2 Tim. 3:16); and again: "Let the word of Christ dwell in you abundantly" (Col. 3:16). Also the prophet (said): "And in His law he meditates day and night" (Psalm 1:2); and in another place: "All thy conversation is in the law of the Highest" (Sir. 10:20); and again: "How sweet are Thy words to my throat! Better than honey to my lips," He did not say, "To my ears," but, "To my throat, Thy words! better than honey to my lips" (Psalm 118:103). Also Moses (said): "And speak of them, sitting in thy house, and going by the way, and lying down, and rising" (Deut. 6:7). And Paul in his Epistle to Timothy says: "Take care of this, abide in this" (1 Tim. 4:15). And many (sayings) could be cited on this subject. Even though there are people who don't even know that the Scriptures exist. That is why we have nothing sensible, nothing useful. When anyone wants to learn the art of war, he considers it necessary to study the laws of war; likewise, when someone wants to learn the art of the helmsman or the builder, or any other, he finds it necessary to study everything related to this art; and here it is not seen that anyone has done anything of the kind, whereas this science requires vigilant study. That this is a science that requires study, about this, listen to what the prophet says: "Come, children, hear me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord" (Psalm 33:12). Consequently, the fear of God really needs to be studied. And then he says: "Who loves life?" (Psalm 33:13). Here he speaks of the (future) life. And again: "Restrain your tongue from evil, and your mouth from deceitful words. Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace, and follow it" (Psalm 33:14-15). Do you know which prophet, or writer of Genesis, or apostle, or evangelist said this? I do not think (that anyone knows) except a few; and of these again, if we bring testimony from another place, we can say the same. Here I will quote the same thing, only expressed in different words; "Wash yourselves, be cleansed; remove your evil deeds from my eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do good, seek righteousness" (Isaiah 1:16-17), "keep your tongue from evil, and your mouth from deceitful words. Turn away from evil and do good." Do you see that virtue requires study? He says: "I will teach you the fear of the Lord"; And this one: "Learn to do good."

Do you know, then, where these (sayings) are? I don't think (so that anyone knows), except for a few. Meanwhile, in each week this is read to you two or three times. The reader, having come out, first says whose book it is, which prophet, or apostle, or evangelist, and then pronounces his saying, so that you may notice them better and know not only the content, but also the reason for what is written and who said it. But all in vain, all in vain. All your diligence is directed to the affairs of life; but there is no concern for the spiritual. That is why those (worldly affairs) do not go according to your will and meet with many obstacles. Christ said: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). Everything else, he says, will be given in the form of an increase. But we have perverted the order, we seek the earth and earthly goods, as if these (heavenly goods) would be given to us in the form of an increase. That is why we do not receive either. Let us come to our senses someday, and begin to strive for future blessings; then all the rest will be added. It is impossible that he who seeks divine blessings should not also receive human ones: such is the definition of truth itself, which has said this! Therefore, let us not act otherwise, but let us keep the commandment of Christ, so that we may not be deprived of everything; But God Himself is able to bring about in us contrition and make us better, in Christ Jesus our Lord, with Whom to the Father with the Holy Spirit be glory, dominion, honor, and worship, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.