4 And his sister began to observe afar off what would become of him.

5 And Pharaoh's daughter went out into the river to wash, and her maids walked along the bank of the river. She saw a basket among the reeds, and sent her maidservant to take it.

6 Открыла и увидела младенца; и вот, дитя плачет [в корзинке]; и сжалилась над ним [дочь фараонова] и сказала: это из Еврейских детей.

7 И сказала сестра его дочери фараоновой: не сходить ли мне и не позвать ли к тебе кормилицу из Евреянок, чтоб она вскормила тебе младенца?

8 Дочь фараонова сказала ей: сходи. Девица пошла и призвала мать младенца.

9 Дочь фараонова сказала ей: возьми младенца сего и вскорми его мне; я дам тебе плату. Женщина взяла младенца и кормила его.

10 И вырос младенец, и она привела его к дочери фараоновой, и он был у нее вместо сына, и нарекла имя ему: Моисей, потому что, говорила она, я из воды вынула его.

11 And after a long time, when Moses was grown up, it came to pass that he went out to his brethren, and saw their hard labors; And he saw that the Egyptian was smiting one of his brethren [the children of Israel].

12 And when he had looked hither and thither, and saw that there was no one, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.

13 And he went out the next day, and behold, two Jews were quarrelling; And he said to the offender, Why do you strike your neighbor?

14 And he said, 'Who hath made thee ruler and judge over us?' do you not think to kill me, as you killed the Egyptian? And Moses was afraid, and said, Surely they have learned of this matter.

15 And Pharaoh heard of the matter, and would have killed Moses; but Moses fled from Pharaoh, and stopped in the land of Midian, and sat down by the well.

16 And the priest of Midian [had] seven daughters, [who tended the sheep of their father Jethro]. And they came, and drew water, and filled the troughs, to water their father's sheep.

17 And the shepherds came and drove them away. Then Moses arose and defended them, and drew water for them, and watered their sheep.

18 And they came to Raguel their father, and he said to them, 'Why have you come so soon today?'

19 And they said, 'A certain Egyptian has protected us from the shepherds, and has even drawn water for us, and watered our sheep.'

20 He said to his daughters, 'Where is he?' Why did you leave him? call him, and let him eat bread.

21 And Moses pleased to dwell with this man; and he gave his daughter Zipporah in marriage to Moses.

22 And she [conceived and] bore a son, and [Moses] called his name Gersham, because, he said, I have become a stranger in a strange land. [And when she conceived again, she bore another son, and he called his name Eliezer, saying, 'The God of my father was my helper, and delivered me out of the hand of Pharaoh.]

23 After a long time, the king of Egypt died. And the children of Israel groaned because of their work, and cried out, and their cry from their work went up to God.

24 And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob.