Lessons of the Law of God for Children

Lesson 33. Prayer to the Saints

Methodical Instructions and Lesson Notes on the Law of God

Plan. The concepts of "saints", "saints of God"; the manifestation of their love for people in earthly and heavenly life; our need for their help. Transition to the text of the prayer to the saints; the reading of a prayer to one saint of God. The name of each person; the benefits of prayers to one's namesake saint. Feasts in honor of saints. Application. H. You children know that those people who obey God in all things are called saints. The saints always do what is pleasing to God, therefore they are called God's saints. What kind of people are called saints? What are they called differently? Why are they called God-pleasers? Holy people, like all others, die. As long as they live on earth, they care more about others than they care about themselves. When they die, they also care about other people, about all of us: they pray to God for us. God Himself is holy, and therefore the souls of the saints live with Him, and God gives people everything that the saints ask Him for. We ourselves pray to God little and badly. In any case, when we do not know how to do it ourselves, we ask others to help us. We pray to God badly, and therefore we ask the saints to help us, we ask them to pray to God for us. The saints pray to God for us and soon help us in good deeds. For whom do the saints care on earth? What do they do after death? With whom do the souls of the saints live? Why do they live with God? What benefit do the prayers of the saints bring to people? When do we ask for help from other people? Why do we need the help of the saints in prayer? What are we asking them for? We ask the saints of God to pray to God for us, to help us, and we call them quick helpers and intercessors for our souls. The prayer to each saint is read as follows. I will now read a prayer to the God-pleaser Basil: Pray to God for me, holy God-pleaser Basil, for I fervently run to you, a quick helper and intercessor for my soul. Memorization by the choir follows, and then the same prayer is read with the pronunciation of various other names of the saints. Each of us has our own name. My name is Eugene, and you? The name is given to us before the baptism of each of us. No one invents our names, but they are given in memory of the saints. People wrote down the names of the saints, and now we are given the names of various saints. There were so many saints all over the earth, so we have many names. The saint whose name each of us bears always cares about us, so we should always pray to the saint whose name we bear. So, what saint should you always pray to, Vanya? to you, Petya? to you, Vasya? When are we named? Whose names are we given? Which saint should each of us pray to? Why should we pray to this saint? For each saint there is a special day in the year, and for some saints - several days a year. On these days, special prayers are read and sung to the saints in church. You know that there is a year of St. Nicholas's Day, Peter's Day, Midsummer's Day. This means that in those days there is a service to the saints of God: Nicholas, Peter, John. The day on which the feast of the saint whose name is given to us, we call name day, and on that day we call ourselves birthday people. What is appointed in the year for each saint? Are all the saints appointed one day? What is read and sung in church in those days? What day do we call our name day? Now we know that we all pray to the same God, but we pray badly, and therefore we ask the holy people to pray for us. The saints, living on earth, did only good deeds, and they help only good people in good deeds. Therefore, if we wish ourselves well, what should we do?

Lesson 34. The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

Methodical Instructions and Lesson Notes on the Law of God

Plan. The Journey of Jesus Christ through Different Cities. Jerusalem is a place of temple and pilgrimage for Jews. The Savior's Journey to Jerusalem and His Last Entry into It. Showing the icon. A story based on it. The meaning of the name of the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. The concept of Holy Week. This lesson falls on the second half of the fifth week of Great Lent, so its subject is the story of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem, and the next two lessons - the Passion and Resurrection of the Savior. You know that Jesus Christ lived in the Jewish land. He never lived long in one place, but went to different cities and villages and taught people the law of God. The main city among the Jews was called Jerusalem. In this city they had a temple, and in other places there were only synagogues. Therefore, on the greatest annual holiday, the Passover, Jews from all places came to Jerusalem. In what land did Jesus Christ live? Did He live in the same city? What was the name of the main city among the Jews? What was in it? What was there in other places for prayer? When did the Jews come from all places to Jerusalem? Together with other Jews, Jesus Christ also came to Jerusalem at Passover. The last time He came there with the Apostles was five days before His death. On the eve of this day, Jesus Christ spent the night in a village, four versts from Jerusalem, and from there He went to Jerusalem. And how He walked, you will now see on the icon. The icon "The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem" is shown. You see Jesus Christ setting astride a donkey. A donkey is similar to a horse, only it is smaller than a horse, and its ears are longer than those of a horse. The people and the Apostles spread their garments under the donkey's feet. Many people meet Jesus Christ. People took branches from trees in their hands and began to glorify Jesus Christ, because they had heard about His miracles and about His teaching. People cried out to Jesus Christ: "Save us! We glorify Thee, because Thou art coming for the glory of God. Salvation is given to us by God from heaven!" These words are also pronounced as follows: "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!" [2] The word hosanna is sung among us even now at Mass. Hosanna in Russian means "save". Remember this word. When did Jesus Christ last come to Jerusalem? With whom did He come? Where had He slept the night before? How did He come this time? What did the Apostles and some people do? What did others do? Why did they glorify Jesus Christ? What were they shouting? How else to say these words? What does hosanna mean? When do we sing this word? The last coming of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem is called the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. In memory of this parish, there is a feast that is called either the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem or, in other words, Palm Sunday, because on this feast people stand with willows in church at matins. People met Jesus Christ with branches from trees, and we also stand in the church with willow branches. After this feast, from Monday to the next Sunday, there is a week in which Jesus Christ was tortured, and He suffered, and therefore this whole week is called Passion. See: Matt. 21, 1-9; Mk. 11, 1-10; Lux. 19, 29-44; In. 12, 12-19.- Ed.^ Cf. Jn. 12, 13.- Ed.^

Lesson 35. The Sufferings of Jesus Christ

Methodical Instructions and Lesson Notes on the Law of God

Plan. The betrayal of Judas; recollection of the story of the Last Supper. The Garden of Gethsemane. Judgment by the chief priests; Friday night. You have already heard that the Jewish leaders were always jealous of Jesus Christ, and after His entry into Jerusalem with glory, they became even more angry with Jesus Christ and plotted to kill Him. But the people loved Jesus Christ, and the rulers were afraid to seize Him in reality. One Apostle - Judas Iscariot - came to the leaders and promised to sell them the Savior quietly for money. The rulers agreed to this and bargained with Judas. It was on Wednesday. On Thursday evening, as you already know, Jesus Christ communed the Apostles with what? Under the guise of what? And at night he went with the Apostles to the same garden to pray to God. Judas went with the Last Supper to the Jewish leaders and told them where Christ had gone. In the garden, Jesus Christ began to pray to God, and the Apostles fell asleep. The Jewish leaders sent soldiers and their workers with stakes and swords to the garden with Judas. Judas conspired with them how to recognize Jesus Christ. He came up to Him, kissed Him, and said, "Hello, Master!" [1] The soldiers seized Jesus Christ, bound His hands, and led Him to the chief Jewish priests. At night, they gathered the Jewish elders to judge Jesus Christ. Witnesses came to this trial, gifted by their superiors. They began to accuse Christ of all sorts of things, and yet there was nothing to condemn Him to death for, and Christ Himself stood and was silent. Then one of the chief priests, or high priest, asked the Saviour: "Worship and tell us, are you the Christ, the Son of God?" [2] Jesus answered, "Yes, I am." The chief priest pretended to be frightened at these words, began to tear his clothes and said: "What more witnesses do we need? You've heard that He calls Himself God. What do you think?" [4] The judges answered: "Guilty of death"[5]. After that, they went home and ordered the soldiers to watch over Jesus Christ. They began to abuse Him, spit in His face and beat Him: they would close His eyes, hit Him in the face and ask: "Guess, Christ, who struck You?" - and they themselves laughed[6]. All night, until morning, they tortured the Savior in this way at the chief priest. When did the Jewish leaders become especially angry with Jesus Christ? What did they plan to do with Him? Why were they afraid to seize Him in front of the people? Who came to them? What did he promise? When was this case? What did Christ do on Thursday night? Where did he go at night? What did He do? Apostles? Judah? Chiefs? What did Judas do in the garden? What did the soldiers do? Where did they lead Christ? What was there? What did the head priest say? What did Christ answer? What did the chief priest say again? What did the judges say? What happened then? Until what time was Christ tortured? Mf. 26, 49; Mk. 14, 45; Lux. 22, 47.- Ed.^ Matt. 26, 63; Mk. 14, 61; Lux. 22, 67.- Ed.^ Matt. 26, 64; Mk. 14, 62; Lux. 22, 70.- Ed.^ Matt. 26, 65; Mk. 14, 63.- Ed.^ Matt. 26, 66; Mk. 14, 64.- Ed.^ Matt. 26, 67-68; Mk. 14, 65; Lux. 22, 64.- Ed.^

Урок 36. Суд над Христом у Пилата

Методические указания и конспекты уроков по Закону Божию

З. В пятницу рано утром все судьи опять собрались к главному священнику. Они хотя и осудили Иисуса Христа, но казнить они могли только с разрешения главного начальника. Этого начальника звали Пилатом. К нему и повели евреи Иисуса Христа. Пилат вышел к ним на крыльцо и спросил: «В чем вы обвиняете этого человека?» Теперь евреи начали возводить новые напраслины, будто Он мутит народ, не велит платить податей и называет Себя царем. Пилат спросил Иисуса Христа: «Ты царь Иудейский?» Христос ответил: «Я Царь, но Царство Мое не от мира сего. Я на то родился и на то пришел в мир, чтобы говорить правду (свидетельствовать об истине)». Пилат увидел, что евреи наговаривают напрасно на Христа, и хотел Его выпустить. Но начальники еврейские хотели непременно убить Христа и научили народ кричать: «Распни, распни Иисуса!» Пилату не хотелось без вины убивать Христа, но, чтобы угодить евреям, он велел бить Его плетьми (кнутами). Солдаты увели Иисуса на двор и больно стегали Его плетьми. На голову надели Ему венок с колючками, били по голове палкой так, что колючки впивались Христу в голову, и по лицу текла кровь, а солдаты хохотали над Его мучениями, нарочно вставали перед Ним на колени, плевали Ему в лицо и говорили в насмешку: «Здравствуй, царь Иудейский!» Христа, избитого, с колючим венком на голове, в красной одежде, с окровавленным лицом, вывел Пилат на крыльцо и думал, что народ пожалеет Иисуса. Но начальники еврейские еще больше подучили народ кричать: «Распни, распни Его!» Долго еще Пилат уговаривал евреев и не хотел убивать Христа, но те стояли на своем, и Пилат приговорил Его к смерти через распятие на кресте. Куда собрались судьи в пятницу утром? Без чего они не могли убить Христа? К кому они повели Его? Куда вышел Пилат? Что спросил? Что стали говорить евреи? Что спросил Пилат Христа и что ответил Он? Что увидел Пилат и что хотел сделать? Чему научили еврейские начальники народ? Что делал Пилат? Что из этого вышло? Что он сделал потом? См.: Мф. 27, 1-26; Мк. 15, 1-15; Лк. 23, 1-25; Ин. 18, 28-40.- Ред.^

Урок 37. Крестные страдания, смерть и погребение Спасителя. Научение молитве благоразумного разбойника

Методические указания и конспекты уроков по Закону Божию