1. From the story of the wanderings (of John) the Theologian

After the Ascension of the Lord, the apostles gathered in Gethsemane and, at His command, began to disperse throughout the world in order to convert the pagans. They divided the ecumene by lot, and Asia fell to John.

John took this hard, considering what had happened to be a misfortune, more by human providence than by faith. He thought that he would have to walk far from his native places in lands filled with idols. Therefore, his soul experienced strong doubts.

But soon he realized that because of the weakness of his thoughts he was sinning against the Lord and fell into the abyss of doubt. He began to weep, knelt down and began to beseech God's apostles to forgive him. He spoke with tears and groans:

"I have sinned, fathers and brothers, in being offended by Asia, which has fallen to me by lot. I was weak in faith, I did not remember the words of the Lord, who said: "All things are possible to him that believeth (Mk 9:23). That is why the Lord pointed out to me that I was very guilty before Him, and exposed me to the dangers of the sea. Let us first pray well and go where the Lord commands.

After praying, the twelve apostles went to their appointed places. And each of them took one of the seventy apostles as a servant. John chose Prochorus. They came to Joppa, and embarked on a ship, and sailed for Asia.

John began to weep and said to Prokhor (they were sitting together in the stern, and no one heard them):

"Child Prokhor, a mournful premonition of a sea catastrophe has already hung over me. My spirit is in great anxiety – the Lord has not revealed anything to me about life and death. If you escape, then continue your journey to Asia. When you come to Ephesus, stay there for three months. If I appear during this time, then we will go together to fulfill the service. And if not, go back to Jerusalem to James, the brother of the Lord, and do what he says.

It was nine o'clock in the morning when John spoke these words.

Suddenly, a terrible wave arose on the sea. Fierce waves crushed the ship, and the sailors found themselves in the water. All forty-six people, clinging to the planks by the will of God, reached the shore unharmed. And John was carried far out to sea.

Prochorus was thrown ashore near Seleucia, and he immediately set off and in forty days reached Asia. As he passed through a seaside village called Marmaret, he looked into the distance and suddenly saw a large swell of water crashing on land and carrying a man ashore.

Prokhor hurried to help the rescued man. As soon as he got there, he saw John in amazement. Seeing each other, they embraced, weeping with joy and praising the merciful God for their salvation and help. After John finally came to his senses, he told how for forty days and nights (oh, the miracle of miracles!) protected by God's power, he had somehow held on to the waves, which taught him to obey God, to obey his will unquestioningly, and to pay no attention to the weaknesses of human thoughts.

2. From Otechnik

Blessed Epiphanius said: "God forgives even the greatest sins of repentant sinners, like the harlot and the publican, but he also demands profit from the righteous. As He said to the Apostles: "Unless your righteousness surpasses the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Mt 5:20).