Spiritual Aspects of Christianity

If Christ is our teacher and guide, His disciples are not those who do not learn from Him humility, patience, meekness. If Christ is light, then those who do not follow Him walk in darkness, and those who move away from the light certainly remain in darkness. If Christ is the bridegroom of faithful souls, those who depart from Him commit adultery. If Christ is true, those who do not adhere to Him are certainly deceived and deceived. If Christ is life, then dead are those who depart and depart from Him, as it is written: "Behold, they that distance themselves from Thee perish" (Psalm 72:27). You see, beloved Christian, how we need to follow Christ, for this is "only necessary" (Luke 10:42), and, on the contrary, how dangerous it is to distance ourselves from Him Who has life and blessedness. St. Tikhon of Zadonsk (104, 1765-1766).

... The procession in the footsteps of Christ along the path of earthly pilgrimage is an activity wholly directed according to His commandments... Study the Gospel and you will be able to follow Christ with your life (108:85).

Renunciation of the world precedes following Christ. The second is not accomplished in the soul, unless the first is first accomplished in it (108:86).

Many approach the Lord, and many decide to follow Him (108:86).

A Christian who wishes to be a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ and to become by grace the Son of God, born of the Spirit, must first of all make it a rule for himself... good-natured endurance of all sorrows, bodily sufferings and insults from people, and slanders from demons, and the very rebellion of one's own passions (108, 350).

He who strives to follow Christ and be a joint heir with Him must zealously imitate His sufferings (108:354).

Skills have power similar to natural qualities; a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ must acquire good habits and avoid bad habits (108:377).

True humility consists in obedience and following Christ (108:535).

"If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me" (Matt. 16:24), proclaims holy Humility. Otherwise, it is impossible to be a disciple and follower of Him Who humbled Himself unto death, to death on the cross. He sat down at the right hand of the Father. He is the New Adam, the Ancestor of the holy tribe of the chosen. Faith in Him inscribes one among the elect, election is accomplished by holy humility, sealed by holy love (108:543).

Для истинных последователей Христа Его Чаша-чаша радостей (108, 547).

Невозможно нам, пребывая в плотских наслаждениях, пребывать вместе с тем в состоянии духовном. Потому-то Господь непрестанно преподносит возлюбленным Своим Чашу Свою, Ею поддерживая умерщвление для мира и способность жить Духом (108, 549).

Ваша деятельность, люди, должна всецело заключаться в исполнении воли Божией. Образец этой деятельности показан, правила этой деятельности преподаны человечеству совершенным Человеком, Богом, принявшим на Себя образ человеческий (109, 104).

Последовать Христу-значит проводить земную жизнь единственно для неба, подобно тому, как проводит Свою земную жизнь Богочеловек (109, 355).

Облекаться в образ Небесного Человека, облекаться в Господа Иисуса Христа, всегда носить в теле мертвость Господа Иисуса Христа-значит не что иное, как постоянно умерщвлять в себе плотское состояние постоянным пребыванием в Евангельских заповедях (109, 383).