Spiritual Aspects of Christianity

Angels are present everywhere, and especially in the house of God they stand before the King, and everything is filled with these bodiless powers. St. John Chrysostom (46, 142).

I am sure that a special Angel protects each Church, as John teaches me in the Apocalypse (1:20). St. Ambrose of Milan (113, 130).

Abba Leontius, rector of the coenobium of our holy father Theodosius, told us: "One Sunday I came to church to commune of the Holy Mysteries. Entering the church, I saw an angel standing on the right side of the altar. Struck with horror, I withdrew to my cell. And a voice came to me, saying, Ever since this throne was consecrated, I have been commanded to be with it. Blessed John Moschos (75:9).

All the Angels have both one name and, of course, a common nature to all: but some of them are appointed to rule over the nations, while others are to be the companions of each of the faithful. But to the extent that a whole nation is preferable to one person, to the same extent, without a doubt, the dignity of the Angel of the ruler of the people is higher than the dignity of the Angel who is entrusted with the care of one person. St. Basil the Great (113, 130).

Guardian Angel

For the protection of God's flock, the Lord not only ordained bishops, but also appointed angels. St. Ambrose of Milan (113, 130).

(The angelic powers) descend with wings, not because this incorporeal force has wings, but as a sign that they descend from the highest regions, leaving the heavenly abodes. St. John Chrysostom (40, 425).

Angels come to visit us by their own will and authority. For the main and natural goal of their life is to immerse their eyes in the beauty of God and to glorify God unceasingly. St. Basil the Great (5:214).

It is our duty to glorify the Angels: by glorifying the Creator, they reveal His mercy and benevolence towards people. St. John Chrysostom (42, 971).

The angels, being ministers of love and peace, rejoice in our repentance and progress in virtue, try to fill us with spiritual contemplation (to the extent of our receptivity) and assist us in every good. St. Theodore of Edessa (68, 323).

By Angels also mean God-bearing men, who have knowledge of God, who protect us and guide us in all the paths of life, so that we do not stumble against the stone of piercing and the stone of offense (39:908).

The ministry of the Angels consists in the fact that they are sent everywhere for us. St. John Chrysostom (46:30).

God sends His Angels to protect and help those who have been granted the right to inherit the promised blessings in the life to come. St. Ambrose of Milan (113, 131).

To those who have been vouchsafed baptism and ascend to the height of virtues, there are given from God angels who care for them and assist them... The Lord assures us of this when He says that there are Guardian Angels for everyone who believes in Him. St. Anastasius the Sinaite (113, 131).