Spiritual Aspects of Christianity

Angels come to visit us by their own will and authority. For the main and natural goal of their life is to immerse their eyes in the beauty of God and to glorify God unceasingly. St. Basil the Great (5:214).

It is our duty to glorify the Angels: by glorifying the Creator, they reveal His mercy and benevolence towards people. St. John Chrysostom (42, 971).

The angels, being ministers of love and peace, rejoice in our repentance and progress in virtue, try to fill us with spiritual contemplation (to the extent of our receptivity) and assist us in every good. St. Theodore of Edessa (68, 323).

By Angels also mean God-bearing men, who have knowledge of God, who protect us and guide us in all the paths of life, so that we do not stumble against the stone of piercing and the stone of offense (39:908).

The ministry of the Angels consists in the fact that they are sent everywhere for us. St. John Chrysostom (46:30).

God sends His Angels to protect and help those who have been granted the right to inherit the promised blessings in the life to come. St. Ambrose of Milan (113, 131).

To those who have been vouchsafed baptism and ascend to the height of virtues, there are given from God angels who care for them and assist them... The Lord assures us of this when He says that there are Guardian Angels for everyone who believes in Him. St. Anastasius the Sinaite (113, 131).

Formerly the angels were according to the number of nations, but now according to the number of believers. How do we know this? Listen to what Christ says: "Take heed, despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 18:10). Know that each of the faithful has an Angel. And each of the ancient righteous had an Angel, as James says: "The angel who delivers me from all evil, may he bless these young men" (Gen. 48:16). St. John Chrysostom (113, 131).

If you have deeds in your soul worthy of Angelic preservation, and your mind is enriched with the knowledge of the truth, God will inevitably assign guardians and guardians to you for your virtues and will protect you with angels. Look, then, what is the nature of the Angels! One Angel is equal to a whole army and a numerous host. Thus, in the majesty of your guardian, the Lord grants you an army, and in the fortress of the Angel, as it were, He protects you from everywhere with his protection (4:254).

An angel is assigned to each of the faithful, worthy to see the Heavenly Father... That with each of the faithful there is an Angel, who as an educator and pastor governs his life, no one will argue against this, remembering the words of the Lord: "Despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 18:10). And the Psalmist says: "The angel of the Lord encamps around them that fear Him" (Psalm 33:8). The angel will not depart from all those who believe in the Lord, unless we ourselves drive him away by bad deeds. As the stench drives away bees and pigeons, so the guardian of our life, the Angel, is driven away by a sorrowful and stinking sin... Since each of us has a holy Angel encamping around those who fear the Lord, sins can cause disaster: we will no longer be covered by the wall, that is, by the holy forces that make people invincible as long as they are with them (113:131).

Any soul left (for stagnant in evil) without the protection of the Guardian Angel is given over to be plundered by enemies and trampled underfoot. St. Basil the Great (5:163).

The King Himself declares what must be: "From henceforth ye shall see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending to the Son of Man" (John 1:51). And indeed, we see angels accompanying His Ascension and announcing His Second Coming (Acts 1:10-11). Angels loosening bonds (Acts 12:7) and opening prisons for the Apostles (Acts 5:19); finally, the Angel who appeared to Cornelius, who was just emerging from the darkness of paganism, in order to show him the entrance into the Christian Church (Acts 10:3-6).

Jesus Christ, according to the words of John the Theologian, is "the Holy One, the True One, having the key of David, Who openeth and no man shuts" (Rev. 3:7). And so, if He has opened the heavens, who dares to shut it? Or who dares to say that now is not the time to see the angels of God ascending and descending by the will of the Son of man? "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to minister to those who are to inherit salvation?" (Hebrews 1:14). Who can now say that they are already idle and we are without help?

But the more unquestionably we are convinced of the proximity of the holy angels and of their readiness to help us, the more carefully we must think about why in our days we hear so little about this help, and even less believe what we hear about it. Or are there no Angels near us, or do we not notice them, or do we remove them from us? That they do not exist is not true, as we have seen. It is therefore true that we either do not notice them or even move them away from ourselves.