The Apocalypse of Petty Sin

Do we remember that the Word of God became incarnate and stood beside us, spoke in our language and taught us to see in ourselves and in others an inner, spiritual person, a friend of God? And yet, do we remember how Christ was rejected, how few defenders He had, how there was no place for Him on earth either in His first earthly or in His last moment? But, like lightning "flashing from east to west," Christ miraculously, mysteriously, irrefutably resurrected, rose from His tomb and appeared to His closest disciples, 12, and 70, and five hundred, and they recognized Him, the Risen One, and He gave immeasurable hope to people; how He then ascended to heaven, hid Himself in the invisible world, in order to become even closer to every soul on earth, to stand even more perfectly at the threshold of every human home. Do we remember that the angels and spirits of the saints surround people and are especially close to those who call upon them?Does our memory, wherever we are, preserve the truth that our earthly, brief life is always only a hair's breadth removed on earth from the great invisible world, and at any moment we can be summoned to another world, to the final judgment of the Heavenly Truth?... Do we always remember this, and especially when the weight oppressing the soul enters us and some inner voice whispers flattering, dark words, and our soul begins to waver and incline to evil? Do we then remember God, do we call out to God? Do we remember, after our sin, that the Lord is merciful and has given us the way to restore spirituality in repentance? Do we remember, in moments of despondency, that the Lord is long-suffering, and in moments of temptation by evil, that the Lord is Righteous? And when we look at the people around us, do we remember that our Lord is also their Lord; our Heavenly Father is also their Father; their Judge and our Judge? Do we remember that a person is justified or condemned only "from his works", but that "without faith it is impossible to please God"?... Such spiritual treasures of truth and immortality can be preserved by our memory, our life. Does she keep this radiance? Blessed is he who knows the truth of God's love for us. Not knowing how to hope for anything else, he hopes for the Love of God and lives by the love of his Lord.Not about everything, but about the most important thing, I asked human conscience and memory. And now I want to interrogate human oblivion.Oblivion, have you swallowed up all the grievances of my life, all the sorrows and all the pains, all the fears of life? Have you swallowed up, oblivion, the vanity of the past life, all its insignificant experiences, misunderstandings, empty words, unnecessary arguments and worries?... Only in the field, cleansed by the oblivion of vanity, does wisdom grow.Oblivion is bold, you, like the water of a pure spring, carry away the dust of the earth and drown it within yourself, without losing your sparkling purity. And a person can only be one who wisely forgets himself, remembering God and His righteousness.