The Apocalypse of Petty Sin

I see the land of the Gadarenes, where the Lord sailed with His disciples after a storm on the Lake of Galilee... The country is sparsely inhabited. Mountains, stone, sand. From the side of Tiberias and Magdala, it appears in a light haze - a mysterious and harsh country, even under a blue sky, on a clear sunny morning. He was met by a Gadarene demoniac known to the surrounding inhabitants; who did not dress in clothes, who lived In coffins - small caves in the rocks. Tormented inwardly, he was not far from the shore, probably drawn to the lake by the sudden silence that had come. A weak-willed tool of some inner force that lived in him, he could not live with people. And people could not force him to live according to human laws. He was constantly tormented by the suicidal spirit, and was powerless to get rid of it. These spiritual torments, observed everywhere in the world, are more terrible than all physical sufferings.Seeing the image of the Lord, the possessed person screams, but does not run away. He does not run away because the light force irresistibly draws him to itself. He screams, because an evil force torments him and compels him to flee, but is already powerless to put him to flight. It is already bound by the mere visible presence of the Lord Jesus. And the demoniac cried out: "What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beseech You, do not torment me"... The demon hides himself and shouts in the name of man - as if the man himself does not want to see Jesus; the demon wants to imagine that Jesus is torturing a person. The demon tries to save himself, and finally destroy the suffering human soul, tearing it away from its only salvation.For a person who is shallow, inexperienced, or unbelieving, the voice of only one person is heard on the Gadarene shore; although even for this person it must be strange that an unconscious demoniac who has never seen the Lord and has not been taught by any of the people, suddenly, at first glance, recognizes the power of the Most High God in Man. None of the people knew this yet, but the demons already know it. For their dark, but spiritual world, it is already clear that the Lord is not only a man. But this is not a grace-filled enlightenment of the truth; it is only an experiential perception of the fire of the Divine, which burns the dark nature. With the tongue of an unfortunate demoniac man, the evil invisible spirit shouts, anticipating its defeat and already experiencing fiery suffering from the proximity of Jesus. But this is how people cry out, who expel the Lord from their homes, from their states, from their hearts. Darkness is killed by light... A thief does not like the Sun. This is the whole depth of the psychology of any unbelief, of any anti-religiosity. The Higher Divine Light binds, sets limits to self-will, burns impurity, with an unburning, inextinguishable fire... And if the heart is full of impurity, pride and lawlessness, if the will is directed towards darkness, then the soul is afraid to touch the Gospel Truth, it hides from Christ. And if she suddenly has to meet Christ, she is tormented by the Light that cuts her aching eyes, and scorched in her sinfulness, she cries: "What have you to do with me, Jesus?" ... "Don't torment me!" ... "I'm not a monk!" ... "I live in the world and must submit to the world"... "I wear the flesh and must follow its laws"... "Depart from me with Thy commandments of full truth, perfect purity, true love. Get behind me, Jesus... do not torment me with Your Light!" Isn't that how the world screams? Yes, that's how we, people, shout. Or we express this cry in a silent feeling.Evil is one and the same, in demons and in people. In demons it is sometimes more open, more direct, despite all the cunning of demons. But the law of the spirit is immutable: the Divine light of the Gospel does not illuminate the path of life for everyone; Not everyone is comforted by it in a cold world. Blessed for righteous and humble souls, the Fire of God's Love is the tormenting flame of the impenitent.Admitting the possessed in the world and making manifest the secret action of the dark forces, the Lord warns us and teaches us. And teaches us to know our Savior. We often do not know our Savior only because we do not know our adversary. We do not believe that there is a mortally terrible evil in the world, from which one can be saved by the power of the Saviour alone; The Gospel is given not only for heavenly consolation! It is also given to us to frighten us before our human sinfulness. Immersed in laziness and inertia, we, people, must be frightened, wounded by evil. Only when we feel the real pain of evil and its disadvantage for ourselves, we are able to heartily aspire to the good, to reach out to the good, as to the anchor of our salvation. And to know the Savior as the Source and Sun of Good.The Church on earth is also not given to people only for the consolation of their sorrowful souls with beautiful harmonies of images and sounds leading to heaven. Churches stand on the ground, and in order for a person to have a place where he, most deeply, could shudder over eternity, tremble over his soul. To shudder before God, seeing, even for a moment, that terrible eternity to which every person on earth is so incomprehensibly close.We live and we come to our church in order to see the Light of Christ, to reach out to it with all our soul and cry out to the Lord - not the demonic words: "What have you to do with me, Jesus?", but human words: "You have come for me, Jesus!" Not the demonic words, "I beseech Thee, torment me not," but the blessed words, "Lord, cleanse me; no matter how painful it may be for me, no matter how much my voluptuous and sin-loving soul is tormented, cleanse me, burn me with Thy saving and purifying fire!"


"Jesus commanded an unclean spirit to come out of this man." The evil spirit received the opposite of what he asked for. He wanted Jesus to depart from him; but he himself had to flee from the Face of Jesus.Before considering this painful event for him, but joyful for us, let us focus our attention on some of the characteristic features of the demoniac man. In what way was the action of the evil force expressed and manifested in him? - First of all, a great inner heaviness, some terrible anxiety, groundless anxiety possessed this man and forced him to run away from people, to fear them and hate them. Living in cave coffins was less painful for him than in houses with people. Great physical strength seemed to flow into the possessed, making him capable of fighting against several people and breaking strong chains. Like many of our contemporaneous demoniacs, the Gadarene sufferer possessed abnormal powers. The lack of spiritual power, God's, was compensated in him by the increased power of the flesh." A healthy mind is in a healthy body," say human sages, making people believe in this truth, who value their bodily health most of all... This is false wisdom! On the examples of demon-possessed and all unrepentant sinners, who are quite healthy physically, but spiritually almost in hell, it is clear that physical strength does not ensure the health of the human spirit. This truth is also confirmed by the fact that many saints who lived on earth almost like angels were in poor physical health and often spent their entire lives in illness and suffering. Physical health does not facilitate spiritual life, but it does not hinder it either, if it does not pass into the domination of the carnal nature over the spiritual. In the case of the possessed, there is no doubt that the absence of the spiritual nature made such an unnatural manifestation of the physical principle possible.Wishing to save a person from suicide, which is attempted by every possessed person, good people bound him with chains and shackles, thereby unwittingly increasing his suffering. But he broke all the fetters and fled into the desert. "He was driven by a demon into the wilderness."Evil spirits, wishing to destroy a person, draw him into loneliness. If loneliness can be salvific for a person, they will draw him to city squares, to amusements and amusements, to irrepressible verbosity with acquaintances; they will call for unrestrained activity among people, inspire them to "great deeds"... A person for whom it is precisely communication with people, giving them help or receiving help from them that is useful, is forced by spirits who oppose the will of God to flee into the desert, to hide in that "underground" about which one great Russian writer spoke so profoundly and correctly... Demonic solitude is not God's solitude, which does not free a person from his selfhood, but is the most manifestative of this sinful human selfhood.Solitude is not even useful for all monks, for it is more spiritually responsible and requires from a person a complete renunciation of his "I" and an unceasing presence in the heavenly world. who are in absolute need of at least temporary solitude and even if only in our own room, the evil force drives us into the vanity of idle meetings and conversations. And we cannot fulfill even such an easy commandment of the Savior as "pray to our Father in secret"... The hour of evening prayer is approaching, and we are all wandering in our hearts in the world, in its transient interests, and do not take advantage of the easy opportunity of even a short, but so precious prayerful solitude. Then we will better believe that his torments were not in vain.The evil spirit always rejoices in a vain society, where he can attract people with ambition and develop all passions in them; where you can lead the masses, giving them your ideas, instilling your spirit. But he is also amused by every isolation of man, by the ungrace-filled solitude of the human soul. It is more convenient for him to steal a sheep that has strayed from the flock. And feed your hunger for evil with this detached sheep. What could be worse than the ungrace-filled solitude of the human soul! In this solitude of the soul many crimes and absolutely all suicides are ripening. That is why confession is so hateful to the evil spirit, not only before God, but also before man, the priest, that this confession, if it is sincere, destroys in the soul of man the wall of the devil's proud or fearful solitude and brings it to the light of God. hatred, pride, contempt (the daughter of baseness), arrogance, timidity (the daughter of self-love), avarice, laziness, callousness and other similar passions lead a person to resettlement in the "underground", where the soul finally dies and decays, closed in on "itself", only in its own experiences. For this soul, the way out to God is also its exit into God's world, to human brothers, to receive help from them and to serve them. Only the Word of God penetrates into them.The evil spirit drove the Gadarene demoniac into the wilderness, thinking that the desert solitude would be the final death for him, as it became for many... But the Lord went out not only to the cities and villages to save the perishing; The Lord also went out into the wilderness. He is the Creator of all things, Omnipresent, by His Divinity, and everywhere He reveals His Humanity. For His humanity is His love for man.


Realizing the hopelessness of their situation, scorched by the Spirit of God, the demons lost all hope for the fulfillment of their request "not to torment" them. But their cunning has come up with a new way out: if it is impossible to destroy a person, it is necessary to try to destroy at least something in the world. Their "big herd" grazed right there. "And the demons asked Him to let them enter into them." A certain amount of truth is needed in every prayer to Christ. When the demons showed the highest cunning - they cried out in the name of a person, their request could not be fulfilled. As soon as they speak with their own voice, the Lord even has the opportunity to fulfill their request. And how much higher are these demons of those people who do not ask the Lord for anything, and even do not believe in Him at all, and even assert that He has never been on earth. The Almighty holds everything in His power. Mountains and hills, seas and abysses, angels and demons obey him. Angels with joyful awe and bliss; demons - with painful trembling and grinding. And only man on earth does not want to know God and His power, being in His power at every moment. If only they did not "go into the abyss"! The "abyss" is the depth of the self of the creature, separated from God, utterly withdrawn into itself, having no satisfaction for itself, tormented by insatiable spiritual torment. Such is the nature of all fornication, of all untrue satisfaction of one's self. The sinful passion of the soul (or body), forbidden by the Lord, conceals in itself an element of pleasure, unknown to the angels, but very familiar to the demons. The demons also experience its illusory pleasure, after which the "abyss" of life becomes even more painful and terrible for them.The ghostly possession of pigs seemed to the demons to be salvation from the abyss of suffering.The soul of a person who has departed from earth, which does not have heavenly peace in itself (the peace of which the Savior said: "My peace I give unto you"), is also inevitably tormented and tormented, having been deprived of the opportunity to satisfy itself through the body and to fill its emptiness. - attachment to the land, to the body, to the dream; to that which is not God and that which is not in God.The demons of the Gadarenes, when they lose a man, want to enjoy at least some creature vampirically. Pigs are the closest creature to them and perhaps the "easiest" for an unclean spirit, for the Holy Scriptures place pigs as an image of carnal inertia, forbidding them to throw spiritual truths before a person who strives for earthly food, like a pig. Naturally, the demons want to rush to the pigs. If only they would not be left without any sacrifice, without any food, that is, without the opportunity to torture and torment anyone in God's world. If only they do not remain in this terrible loneliness of their own malice, and not finding for themselves the object of lust - the ego, tormented by the torments of hell in itself... Truly terrible is this abyss, which has no way out of itself and does not want to open itself to God. All the evil that we do to others (that is, first of all, to ourselves) is evil that comes out of our emptiness, which is not filled with the light of God. Proud, being empty, we fill ourselves not with the Divine life, but with the phantoms of joy, so as not to feel our terrible loneliness without God. The abyss of hell is constantly open before us, and we, blindly fearing it, blindly bind ourselves to that which is not eternal itself, which is only a mist over the abyss... Like the Gadarene spirits, we, blind people living on earth, do not turn our faces to the Lord - the Sun of Truth and Life, but look for "pigs" for ourselves - so that our emptiness is not revealed to ourselves. It is, first of all, our own body, when it is separated, in our consciousness, from our spirit and from its grace-filled tasks on earth. This is our body, if we cling to it and serve it with the attention with which we should serve the Lord God alone, and incense this body with sensual pleasures immeasurable and lawless. Lust, captivity by the beauty or simply by the very corporeality of the body, innumerable sins and inclinations to the sin of fornication - all this is the search for and finding the "pig". an idol that eclipses the radiance of the Lord in our hearts. A "pig" is any filling of one's emptiness - not by the Lord.Not wanting, like the demons, to go into the abyss, we, people, often do not even ask the Lord for permission to enter our pig. We break into our pigs ourselves... We confess this before Thee, O Lord! Thou seest for Thyself that we have not even the fear of Thy demons and their obedience to Thy command. By Will we leave Thee, the Fountain of water flowing into Life, and cling to the ghosts of the desert; We drink water from the springs of mirages.That is why the life of a person in the world is so difficult and painful.Will we really not believe in Christ? If the demons, these terrible dark spirits, instead of their fruitless attempts to be saved from the abyss - by swine and their possession, were to fall down at the feet of the Merciful Lord and cry out, as some people who see the truth: "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners!" - the Lord would forgive them, seeking His mercy to pour out on those who would accept this mercy - (and the demons would turn into angels; and they would go to heaven, But pride and evil will hinder them. They also prevent us, people, from falling down to the sandals of Jesus, to the love of God, which walks among us and for our sake on earth!


The demons testified to the power of Jesus in the world, which so many people do not want to acknowledge.The power of Jesus disposed of the demons as an obediently trembling creature - and manifested them in the world. So that people do not consider the bodiless world to be non-existent; but they would know their enemies, invisible as visible.The greatest defeat of demons is when they are discovered, when they are torn off the mask with which they hide in the world.The fact that the demons have revealed themselves before the eyes of the whole world is an even greater defeat for them than the fact that they have been cast out.They do everything to remain hidden in the world... Suicides, before their suicide, do not know at all that a vile (inexpressible) evil spirit stands near them, forcing them to kill the body, to break the precious "earthen vessel" that preserves the soul until the time of God. And this spirit advises, and convinces, and insists, and compels, and frightens with all kinds of fears: only that a person pulls the trigger or jumps over the windowsill, fleeing from life, from his unbearable languor... A person does not even suspect that the "unbearable languor" is not from life, but from the one from whom all the thoughts that "substantiate" the killing of oneself come from. A person thinks that it is he who is reasoning himself, and comes to a suicidal conclusion. But it is not he at all, but his thoughts are spoken by the one whom the Lord called "a murderer from time immemorial." A person only weakly agrees, invisibly takes the sin of the devil upon himself, combines with sin and with the devil... One word of prayer of repentance, one mental outline of the saving Cross and a view of it with faith – and the web of evil is torn apart, man is saved by the power of God from his own destruction... Only a small spark of living faith and devotion to God - and a person is saved! But do all people who have been saved from killing themselves or from any other sin understand that there was (and perhaps still stands, or sometimes approaches) a hideous evil spirit, a creature that is revealed only by a certain spiritual sensitivity and heightened spiritual attention? Poisoned by constant skepticism, inexperienced in matters of the spirit - "children" (in spiritual age, but not in humility) - even gray-haired elders dispute the real existence of evil spirits. And there are such philistines who only joke and laugh when they are told about invisible evil forces... These people do not suspect that their very gross disbelief in what the Saviour spoke about and was empirically (quite experimentally and scientifically) affirmed by the apostles and all the saints in the world, this very unbelief is one of the manifestations of the influence of the spirit they deny. And a spiritually attentive person will always find something to notice in this respect, among the surrounding world and in the depths of his own human conscience. If he embarks on the path of a real, sober spiritual life, many mysteries will be revealed before his spiritual gaze.Why did the Lord, having expelled demons from man, "allowed" them to enter into swine? Why did He not drive them into the abyss? For the same reason, of course, why He allowed them to take possession of man. To find them in the world. To stir up all mankind against them; to draw people to Himself. Demons should most clearly reveal evil before the morally inert consciousness of mankind.If the demons, after their expulsion from man, were to completely depart from the earth into their abyss, people would have occasion to think that the demoniac was tormented not by demons, but by some simple physical illness. For example, "nerves", which in our age are very easy to refer to by learned and unlearned people. Of course, no one in the world knows how the physical threads in the human body can give rise to purely moral manifestations of good and evil: for example, to force people to bless the Name of God or to blaspheme this Blessed Name with terrible words. But the word "nerves" explains everything for some people. This good-natured and very modern "positivism" now has many supporters, despite all the events in the world and the rapid approach of the world to the last Day of the Lord.The Gadarene inhabitants, too, perhaps, would have explained the healing of the demoniac in their own way if they had not suffered from demons. The Lord teaches people: there are demons in the world! There is an invisible power, infinitely insidious and deceitful, but in everything subordinate to the Lord, except for its insidious will, which the Lord cannot compel to good. For the essence of true good excludes any compulsion to it. We need to fight them. We need vigilance in this struggle, we need attention and unshakable faith in the power of Christ, which destroys all the strongholds of the enemy. We need the protection of Christ... And we see how possessed animals, which have just been peacefully grazing here by the coastal rocks, suddenly seized by some invisible whirlwind, in clear weather, contrary to any instinct of self-preservation, throw themselves down the steep slope into the lake and drown. How many murders and suicides have been prevented, how many family hearths have been preserved, how many crimes have been avoided - from the mere view of man on the Word and on the Cross, which visibly and invisibly stops the human soul on the threshold of fall.


"And the herd threw itself down the steep slope into the lake and drowned"... What happened next?" The shepherds, seeing what had happened, ran and told the story in the city and in the villages. And they went out to see what had happened"... The Gadarene people reached out from everywhere to see what had happened. The further Gospel narrative allows us to assume that these people were drawn to the place of the event, first of all, by curiosity. Curiosity even now in the world often precedes all other human spiritual feelings, not only good, but also evil. It often comes even before mercy and compassion. It is ahead of fear and a sense of self-preservation. An "incident" for a person is something as necessary in life as bread. The perverted nature of man contemplates the world not as a reflection of heavenly harmony, where every little thing is precious in its direct relation to the great whole of God's world; the fallen nature of man contemplates the world as a dull meaninglessness, where one can only seek out various pleasures for oneself and where various curious events are constantly taking place. People rush to the "news"... The "news" closed the entrance to the Divine Mysteries in the world.The inhabitants of the Gadarene hastened, of course, to an extraordinary event. "And when they came to Jesus, they found a man out of whom demons had come out, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and of sound mind; and were horrified." There was something to be horrified, something to tremble at. An obvious miracle is the action of a supernatural force. Not even healing, but truly the resurrection to life of a man who lived in the graves. However, confirming the visible, the witnesses of the event "told" all those who fled from the city and villages, "how the demon-possessed man was healed?... The inhabitants, of course, fall to their knees from gratitude to God that such a great Healer has come to them? Do they rejoice over a saved person who has been seen dying for so long? Of course, they point out to the Savior other demon-possessed and sick people, asking for their healing? They invite the Savior to them, ask Him to make them happy - to enter the depths of the country?... If only everything happened like this! But something completely different happened... Having killed the pigs, the demons, although they did not receive the right to enter the people again, were undoubtedly comforted, seeing their own feelings and desires in the souls of the Gadarene inhabitants. "And all the people of the Gadarene region asked Him to depart from them." My conscience does not allow me to do this, although I feel all the terrible sinfulness of the act of the Gadarenes... To forbid the Incarnate Living God, the Creator of heaven and earth, to enter his borders, into his dwellings! What could be more extraordinary and monstrous than this act? And at the same time, there is nothing in the world more ordinary than this act. Everyone living on earth is absolutely guilty of it. It is the fault of all who do not look to heaven and do not look to the Son of Man. Daily and hourly we do not allow our Lord and Savior to enter our borders; we do not allow Him to come to us, standing near our human heart... "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock." (Rev. 3:20). Who opens it to Him? Who rejoices at his knocking? Whoever catches and holds His voice remembers it in the midst of his life?... But let us not speak of the internal, subtle and constant denials of His spirit, which no one in the world sees except the angels. How much completely open, crude, impudent disobedience to the will of God and rebellion against the truth of Christ are in humanity.Christ is persecuted in His world just as He was persecuted in His Judea.The Gadarene inhabitants, who did not want to let Him into their country, were still better than the modern inhabitants of the earth. "And all the people of the Gadarene region asked Him to depart from them." Think about it, they're asking the Lord. Do they now ask the Lord to withdraw from this or that country? This is too God-fearing for modern times! Now they simply expel the Lord from human hearts, from youthful minds, from holy children's prayers; rudely do not allow Him to enter the human heart. How many false theories about Christianity! How much untruth there is about the Son of God! How despised He is in many human teachings; how His Divine Face is distorted and His Truth is humiliated... It is not for our European countries to condemn the Gadarene country. It is not for modern civilized peoples to condemn the Gadarenes.


Let us leave the Gadarenes to the judgment of that Word, Which they did not want to hear, but Whose Glory they saw. In order to teach us to follow the Lord better and never reject Him, let us delve into the reasons for their human blindness. Why does man not accept the Lord? Is not the Lord the Helper in all that is good and bright, to which even the darkened human heart ultimately strives irresistibly? to any ideal aspiration that (even in a perverted form) lives in every person. Why does a person not accept his heavenly joy? The Gadarenes were saddened by the death of their pigs.The Gadarenes felt sorry for themselves and feared for themselves. They did not truly feel sorry for themselves, and they were not truly afraid for themselves. They should have felt sorry for themselves otherwise, otherwise they would have been afraid for themselves.The Gadarenes saw their Despoiler in the Lord. The Divine Destroyer of evil and unrighteousness, the destroyer of demonic power over the world, the Lord, appeared to the Gadarians as the worldly destroyer of their property. Everything else faded to the eyes of the Gadarenes. Those eyes, opened with fright, saw only the terrible truth for themselves: the pigs that had disappeared in the bright depths of the Lake of Galilee.It was to be expected that similar events would be repeated in the interior of the country, if the Galilean Miracle-worker had passed there. And the thought of such ruin of yours seemed unbearable." Mammon, the terrible and vile god of material values and earthly possessions, reigns more than the Living God in the hearts of men. Man greedily clings to his dust, to his dirt. He understands that everything material, including his own body, is dust, and very quickly turns to dust. However - such is the power of sin - man is "bewitched" to earthly values. All wars, all revolutions, all crimes are for their sake. For the sake of wealth - all the inhumanity of rich people and all the brutality - of the poor... "You cannot work for God and mammon!" - "No, we can!" and others, more sincere, like the Gadarenes, say; "Depart from us such a God, to whom we must give our whole heart!" The Lord is merciless - blissfully merciless, healingly merciless to us, people! There would be no salvation for us if the Lord took pity on us as many want Him to pity them. A special prayer is needed, on behalf of all mankind, that the Lord would not have pity on us! But he tortured us with healing cauterizations, burning out the stinking ulcers of our spirit. The Gadarenes "took pity" on themselves... If they had been merciless to themselves, the Kingdom of God would have reached them... Man's unrighteous, carnal, "soulful" pity for himself is one of the sources of all our falls and all our renunciations of Christ. The Gadarenes did not take or carry their Cross.How often we are like the Gadarene inhabitants. Legions of sinful habits and attachments keep us away from the Sweetest Lord... We ask Him on many occasions in life that He "does not come to us; or - he would not always come to us... Sometimes we force Him to leave us - by not asking Him to stay with us. The Gadarenes were deprived of blessings, the immensity of which only the angels in heaven can speak.How "this world" was revealed in the land of the Gadarenes, illumined by the visible sun, and, even more, by the invisible sun! - "And all the people of the Gadarene region asked Him to depart from them, because they were seized with great fear." The fear that he possessed demons also possesses people.People are afraid of losing miserable possessions from the bright hand of the Resurrection of life. And they hasten to renounce the Resurrection. They don't know that maybe death will take them today... The Savior is sacrificed. If only the pigs remained intact. At this price, materialistic culture and all its philosophy are bought... How the Lord wept for them when He returned from their country. We know from ancient testimony that our Lord never laughed, but was often seen weeping. Of course, He also wept for the Gadarites.If they could now, from the other world, see our world, they would undoubtedly want to send someone to us, like the rich man of the Gospel who died unexpectedly, to warn us of the fragility of earthly wealth and of the reality of spiritual suffering beyond this world. The Word of Christ in the World.


It would be too sad to end the Gospel story of the Gadarene event if it did not have an all-consoling end: "And the man out of whom the demons came out asked Him to be with Him." The only one who wanted to remain firmly near Jesus was the healed man.The great, in its inner spirit, but in its influence on the world, the "little flock" of Jesus is the Church of healed souls. "To whom little is left, he loves little." Those who reach out to the Lord are all those to whom "much has been forgiven" - many sins have been forgiven, wounds have been healed... Into this small flock of souls striving to Christ entered the healed Gadarene sufferer.As of the Gospel blind man, it can be said of him that his suffering was "that the glory of God may be manifested upon him." For this reason all human suffering is forthcoming. This explains it all, everything is justified. Let those who do not have wings to soar from human suffering to the Glory of God be silent! These wings are given only by Christ; and they are called faith, which begins with hope and ends with love. The Lord calls us to Himself in order to unite us forever with Himself and send us back into the world; that, renewed and healed by Christ, we may serve the people whom He calls; who will be as sweet with our Lord as we are.A person freed from evil wanted to remain with Christ forever. At first, he didn't understand it deeply enough. "But Jesus sent him away, saying, Return to your house, and tell me what God has done for you. He went and preached throughout the city what Jesus had done for him."

Wealth is in us