Anna Gippius

And if so, then the death without repentance and communion of the court chorister Andrei Petrov is also a blessing. Indeed, how many departed husbands do widows pray for as much as Xenia prayed for her Andrei Fedorovich? And by praying in this way, she saved not only him, but also many, many people around him, and we, their descendants, showed the world unprecedented love and rare holiness.

My dear contemporaries, my sisters, who among us is ready, like Xenia, to go for her husband to the end? To give away his apartment, to give away all his possessions, to leave his job, to stay in the same skirt with a sweater and shoes on his bare feet – and to wander the streets, instead of sleeping in a warm bed, praying all night long in the piercing wind? Women, who among us will go to hunger and cold for the sake of a husband - for the sake of saving his life? Because Ksenia saved her husband's life, eternal life. And not a day or two, but 45 years. Almost half a century. Who among us, widowed at the age of 26, will pray for the sins of his husband until the age of 71, and just continue to love him? We can't do that. And she knew how to do it.

The widow came to the funeral in her husband's uniform, and she wore it until it decayed. And then, until the end of her life, she wore the same outfit, changing it as the previous one turned into rags: shoes on bare feet, a green or red skirt, a green or red sweater - probably in memory of the green and red uniform of Andrei Fedorovich.

She gave away all the property. I signed the house with the estate to a friend, Praskovya Antonova. She only insisted that a shelter for the poor be built on the territory of the estate. Built. It existed for a century and a half. Back in 1918, on this very place, in this very building, there was a Pokrovsky orphanage for 40 boys.

Ksenia herself spent the night wherever she could.

She didn't need a home anymore.

But to you, who have a family, who have children, who have problems with housing, St. Xenia will definitely help.

Father, I wrote about my unsettled family life and asked to serve a moleben for the family of our priest from the Dormition Cathedral, Father Dmitry. They had nowhere to live.

A miracle happened! Through the prayers of our dear Mother Xenia! It happened so quickly! I wrote just recently.

Father Dmitry and his family had been wandering around private corners for five years. And it is difficult to rent an apartment in our city and it is difficult to buy for a lot of money. And a woman recently gave an apartment to Father Dmitry! Father was leaving the church, and some grandmother came up to him with a request to bless him. He blessed her, and they struck up a conversation. When the grandmother found out that the priest had problems with housing, she said that she had an apartment, in addition to her own housing. But the city economy wants to sue her for this apartment. If the head of the administration, Valery Vasilyevich Gavrilov, signs a warrant for Dmitry's father, then she will gladly give up this apartment. The mayor of our city is a very good person, with his help the restoration of Dmitrov's temples and district churches is being carried out. Of course, he signed all the papers. And my beloved people now have their own homes.

I am so grateful to our dear helper and intercessor Mother Xenia! I know that she also asks the Lord for me all that is useful for me and my daughter. My ex-husband himself came to congratulate his child on the New Year, brought gifts and money for the maintenance of his daughter. He did not come for more than a year, only sent money. I was hired to work in a hairdressing salon. And, if the Lord wills, then I will have a full-fledged real family. Many thanks to Matushka Xenia for her prayers.

Natalia, Moscow Region, Dmitrov, 2001