Anna Gippius

Father, I wrote about my unsettled family life and asked to serve a moleben for the family of our priest from the Dormition Cathedral, Father Dmitry. They had nowhere to live.

A miracle happened! Through the prayers of our dear Mother Xenia! It happened so quickly! I wrote just recently.

Father Dmitry and his family had been wandering around private corners for five years. And it is difficult to rent an apartment in our city and it is difficult to buy for a lot of money. And a woman recently gave an apartment to Father Dmitry! Father was leaving the church, and some grandmother came up to him with a request to bless him. He blessed her, and they struck up a conversation. When the grandmother found out that the priest had problems with housing, she said that she had an apartment, in addition to her own housing. But the city economy wants to sue her for this apartment. If the head of the administration, Valery Vasilyevich Gavrilov, signs a warrant for Dmitry's father, then she will gladly give up this apartment. The mayor of our city is a very good person, with his help the restoration of Dmitrov's temples and district churches is being carried out. Of course, he signed all the papers. And my beloved people now have their own homes.

I am so grateful to our dear helper and intercessor Mother Xenia! I know that she also asks the Lord for me all that is useful for me and my daughter. My ex-husband himself came to congratulate his child on the New Year, brought gifts and money for the maintenance of his daughter. He did not come for more than a year, only sent money. I was hired to work in a hairdressing salon. And, if the Lord wills, then I will have a full-fledged real family. Many thanks to Matushka Xenia for her prayers.

Natalia, Moscow Region, Dmitrov, 2001


So, Xenia gave up her house, clothes, money, gave everything away and remained a beggar. But that's not all. She went on. She gave up the most precious thing that a person has - reason.

"My house and my possessions are not mine, but Yours. Take it, Lord. And my mind is not mine. And take it away, Lord. That reason that whispers to me to live like others, to act moderately and cautiously, to take care of myself and to love You with caution, in moderation, as much as possible. Take it, Lord. Leave me only love for You, faith in You, and Your immeasurable mercy. And also hope for the salvation of my soul Andrei. And also love. Let faith, hope and love become my wisdom in place of the earthly empty mind, which cares about worldly things.