Anna Gippius

On the threshold stood Dimka, flushed from the frost. When asked why he returned home halfway, the guy reluctantly muttered: "I've changed my mind!" After drinking a glass of vodka, Dimka fell asleep soundly, and in the morning he told his grandmother, mother and sister the following. At one of the stops, a strange, lightly dressed woman in a handkerchief entered the train car and sat down right in front of him. From the gaze of her blue eyes, Dmitry was simply numb. At the next stop, a group of drunken hefty men tumbled into the car. Sitting nearby, they drank beer, cursed loudly.

Suddenly, Dimka's fellow traveler stood up and, taking the guy by the sleeve of his down jacket, pulled him into the vestibule. He tried to object, but he heard a confident and soft female voice inside him: "Let's go!" The door closed, the train slowly picked up speed, and Dmitry managed to see how a drunken fight began inside the car they had left. Looking around, he found that he was standing on a snow-covered platform all alone. Instantly sweating with fear, the guy ran across the tracks and soon was returning home on the oncoming train. The next morning, Oksana took her brother to the Smolensk cemetery in the small chapel of Xenia of St. Petersburg.

The student, who did not believe in God, looked at the image of the saint and whispered with white lips: "Lord, it's her!"

V. Dobrov. Megapolis-Express.2004. September 2

Servant of God Blessed Xenia at night in the Smolensk Cemetery?


Through prayers to Xenia the Blessed, numerous healings occur. It began immediately after her funeral, at the beginning of the XIX century, and does not stop to this day.

Interestingly, Xenia was canonized, that is, canonized, quite recently, in 1988, at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. What has changed since then? Almost nothing. Only the rite of divine services. Uncanonized, a pannikhida was served to her, the same as is served for all the deceased. And as soon as she became an officially recognized saint, prayer services began – they are served only to the saints, the Heavenly Powers, the Mother of God and the Lord Himself.