Anna Gippius


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The director of the publishing house handed me a paperback edition: "Saint Charbel. A man chosen by God." I quickly flipped through the book. A Catholic saint who lived in Lebanon – he helped him in such and such cases, such and such miracles happened to him after the Lithuanians.

"A whole series about Saint Charbel has been published," the director continued, "these books have become quite popular. But we have our own saints in Russia, and it is more logical for us to turn to them for help in trouble, for healing. Let's write about it. First of all, let's make a book about St. Xenia of St. Petersburg. About how it helps in diseases and misfortunes. Keep in touch. But in such a way that the book is addressed not only to church people, but also to those who have never crossed the threshold of the church.

A lot of books about St. Xenia the Blessed have been published. Do I need another one? I went to my spiritual father for a blessing.

"Write," he said. "Glorify Xenia.

Here is a story about how St. Xenia of St. Petersburg saves everyone who turns to her, how she does not leave anyone without help.

It doesn't matter where you live – in St. Petersburg or Moscow, in Vladivostok, Chita or Kaliningrad, in Australia, the USA or Israel. It doesn't matter what exactly happened to you, what disease knocked you down, what attack came. It doesn't matter who you are, what you do.

St. Xenia will help you.

It only matters to her that your misfortune is real, your faith is honest, and your intentions are pure.

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