Lilia Guryanova

Striking our bodily composition with illness, the Lord crushes our old and sinful man in order to give strength to the new man, whom we have weakened by carnal deeds: gluttony, idleness, entertainment, and various addictions. "When I am weak, then I am strong" (2 Cor. 12:10). We must accept the disease with gratitude.

Faith in God

The quality of faith is remarkable: one living thought about God, heartfelt faith in Him – and He is already with me; heartfelt repentance of sins, and He is with me; a good thought, and He is with me; a pious feeling, and He is with me. The devil enters me through thoughts of doubt, fear, pride, malice, and other passions. This means that his power over me is limited and completely dependent on me. If I were attentive to myself and in prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ, He would be completely powerless to do me any harm.

Unbelief itself exposes its falsehood by filling the soul with darkness, vague anxiety and fear. On the contrary, faith is always calm, blessed, majestic, firm.

If we do not warm faith in our hearts, then through negligence it can completely extinguish in us; Christianity with its life-giving sacraments can seem to die completely for us. That is why we see people who are Christians in name alone, but in deeds they are perfect pagans.


Prayer is the union of the mind and heart with God, a living conversation with Him, a reverent standing before the life-giving spring. Therefore, when praying, you must forget everything around you. True prayer illuminates and enlivens the soul. It gives strength to the soul and body, enlightens the face. It is the golden thread that connects the creature with the Creator. It gives vigor and courage in various temptations, promotes success in deeds, strengthens faith and other virtues, contributes to the correction of life, generates tears of repentance, inclines to works of mercy.

In order to live in a Christian way and so that the spirit does not fade away in us, home and public prayer is necessary. Just as it is necessary to pour oil into a lamp so that it does not go out, so it is necessary to attend divine services in church and pray there with faith, understanding and zeal. Nothing extinguishes the spirit in us so quickly as intemperance, satiety, and a distracted way of life...