Lilia Guryanova

If you want to correct someone from his faults, do not think of correcting him by your own means alone. We ourselves spoil more than we help, for example, with our pride and irritability. But cast your sorrow on the Lord (Psalm 54:23) and pray to Him with all your heart that He Himself enlighten the mind and heart of man. If He sees that your prayer is filled with love, He will surely grant your request, and you will soon see a change in the one you pray for. "This is the change of the right hand of the Most High" (Psalm 76:11).

Union with Christ

Having Christ in your heart, be afraid not to lose Him, and with Him peace of heart. It's hard to start again. Efforts to cling to Him again after falling away will cost many bitter tears. Hold on to Christ with all your might, and do not lose your holy boldness before Him.

In his diary, Father John wrote as follows: "The Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for me and for all are breath and light, life, power, justification, wisdom, holiness, all wealth, help, healing from all diseases, prayerful fire, source of tenderness, preservation, security, every good... Does your heart beat with joy and trembling at the remembrance and pronunciation of the most holy Name of the uncreated and all-created, All-Good and All-Blessed Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? O wondrous Name! O all-sweet and all-life Name! O beautiful, essential and eternal Trinity, who gave ineffable beauty to the entire created spiritual and material world.. The only and only-begotten Son is only the Son of God, and the only life-giving Spirit is the Spirit of God... Glory to Thee, O Lord, Who hast revealed to us the mystery of the Holy Trinity, as befits Thee. Amen."

The prayer of St. John of Kronstadt, which he composed himself and which he repeated every day:


Thy name is Love: do not reject me, a deluded man!

Thy name is Power: strengthen me, who am weary and falling!

Thy name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by the passions of life!