«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Even before you started reading, I apologize for the audacity of the very fact of publication. Those depicted in the photo – for having to do it without their permission; prose writers – for style; preachers – for their earthy tone; theologians – for possible involuntary mistakes, which sometimes arise in hyperbole. And so do all those who think that this is said about him (often after a sermon people come up with resentment, and this is not true – I was talking about myself, not about them at all). If possible, forgive my obvious infirmities.

And I ask everyone who likes the book to pray for the workers of the publishing department of our Sisterhood in honor of the Grand Duchess Venerable Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna. Despite the cramped conditions, they perform their obedience and need prayerful help. If it were not for their many years of perseverance, this book would not have taken place. And whether there will be another, a third, etc., depends on who will be more, satisfied with it or not, what time will show and any of your criticisms and wishes, which, of course, we will not all be able to "put into practice", but we will listen to everyone with attention. Write to the address: 103 287 Moscow 287 PO Box 40.

Ned. Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov

The Day of Election to the Patriarchal Throne

St. Tikhon, Patriarch of All Russia,

confessor and martyr,

5/18 November 2000, 0.21 a.m.

Sunday All-Night Vigil

"As they were speaking of these things, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, Peace be unto you. They, confused and frightened, thought that they were seeing a spirit. But He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do such thoughts enter into your hearts? Look at My hands and My feet; it is I Myself; touch Me and see; for the spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. And having said this, he showed them his hands and feet."

Every person who embarks on the path of piety has to experience such embarrassments. The Lord comes to us in order to give peace to our souls – true peace, peace that is from the grace of the Holy Spirit. But often thoughts of doubt enter our heads: is this the same God? Is this the same Christ? Are we on the right track? And the loving Lord gave spiritual medicine to His disciples – He showed them His wounds and said: "Touch Me." These words of the Savior are addressed to us as well. When we have thoughts of doubt, we must remember the Cross of Christ, His crucifixion, His wounds – and then the devil will run away, and we ourselves will be ashamed of those thoughts that have troubled our souls. But the thought does not always recede immediately, even when we remember what the Lord suffered for us.

And then it is said: "When they did not believe for joy and were amazed (that is, they did not immediately believe)... He said to them, This is what I have told you while I was with you, that all things must be fulfilled which are written about me in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms. Then He opened their minds to the understanding of the Scriptures." Turning to the word of God always drives away doubts from us. If thoughts overwhelm our soul, we need to take the word of God, read the Gospel or the Psalter, any place in the Bible. And communion with the grace-filled word of God will drive away temptation, because all Holy Scripture is permeated by the Spirit of Christ and bears witness to Christ.

If the Holy Scriptures do not convince us, if the doubts are so deep that the reading of the Holy Scriptures does not strengthen our souls, then we need to remember history. The Lord said that "repentance and forgiveness of sins must be preached in His name in all nations." Looking at the history of mankind, we see both repentance and the forgiveness of sins. We see the acceptance of the word of God by the nations and the rejection of it. The true light of Christ was preached in all nations. We live far from Jerusalem, but it has illumined us too. The Word of God is true and endures forever; what God said long ago is often fulfilled before our eyes. This word cannot be bound by anything, by any distances, by any boundaries, by any prejudices. If a person wants to accept it, then there are no obstacles to this.

Let us recall the recent history of our fatherland. Many of us were spectators of these events, and even their participants. After the torture of the people by the civil war, famine, collective farms, godless five-year plans, the destruction of churches and the clergy, one could expect at least some light, but the Lord allowed the outbreak of a world war. And these terrible trials caused many to repent, to turn to God. Fear for their fate forced the authorities not only to open thousands of churches in the midst of the war, but also to return the clergy who miraculously survived from the concentration camps.