«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

That is why in the teachings of the Holy Fathers (the teaching on sobriety, watching over the mind), the inner life is always placed in an inseparable connection with ascetic warfare. However, the meeting is not the same as swearing. This is a special spiritual activity, the most primary. It is the place where everything spiritual is done – warfare, reading, contemplation of God, and prayer. Whatever the ascetic does, first always go within and act from there.

There is no doubt that it is difficult for the mind to remain within oneself and to keep the impetuosity of one's soul within itself... And is it not because of this that there are so few people who would understand this great cause and seek it? But be that as it may, it is impossible to replace it with anything, and everyone needs their own work in this kind, that is, in order to have an inner work according to God, which consists in holding one's powers of mind, will, and feeling before the Face of God within one's heart.

This is true life, fully befitting our spirit and quenching its immortal thirst. It is a great mistake when they want to replace this exercise with bodily labor. Of course, you can't do without them. But why not suggest that every earthly deed should be permeated and covered with the spirit of prayer – the heavenly element, and this would happen necessarily, when during the work the Jesus Prayer would be read reverently, as far as it is possible for everyone, at least orally, because of the impossibility of a better – the inner one; And the word of wise men would come to pass: "Work is in the hands, and prayer is in the mouth."

After all, it would be something amazing; without practicing in business, to have knowledge, success and experience in it. Our strength is developed in the matter in which we exercise it. It is clear that if we do not work in the matter of our inner education, that is, if we do not take care of the guarding of the mind, the guarding of the heart, and inward unceasing prayer, we cannot have these excellent qualities in ourselves, as we are completely unfamiliar with these things.

Obedience, combined with prayer, is the quickest and closest path to salvation. But there is nothing higher than prayer. It is the primary virtue. St. Gregory of Sinai was not afraid to call prayer God: no doubt because it makes us one with God, as all the writings of the Holy Fathers testify. Without prayer, no virtue can be true, because everything that is ours is impure, sinful, and of a spiritual nature.

As St. Macarius the Great speaks beautifully about this in his discourse 26 chapter 21: "So obedience especially manifests its saving power when it is imbued with prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ. Who, having been obedient to the Heavenly Father even unto death, also exalted Him by God. "In prayer, obedience necessarily gives birth to humility, which scorches demons, which is a treasury of virtues and without which salvation is impossible for anyone."

As St. Climacus says, many have received salvation without illumination, illumination and prophecy, but without humility no one will enter the palace of the Heavenly Kingdom. Moreover, spiritual wisdom also says: "That the vaults are high there, but the gates are narrow."