Uspensky L.A. - The Theology of the Icon of the Orthodox Church - V. The Fifth and Sixth Council and Its Teaching on the Church Image

[5] P.G.98, 173. Cit. G. Ostrogorsky in: Kondakovianum Seminarium. Prague, 1927, vol.1, p.38.

[6] "Rules of the Orthodox Church...", p.596.

[7] Homily on the Transfiguration, ch. 12. P.G.96, 564.

[8] Now their authority is disputed and even simply rejected by some Western scholars. Thus, in the History of Councils by Haefele-Leclerc (Paris, 1909, vol. III, p. 577 [in French] we read: "It is true that the Life of Sergius and the Lieber pontificalis relates that the legates of Pope Sergius, having been deceived by the emperor, signed. But by these papal legates we must understand simply the papal apocrisiri who resided in Constantinople, and not the legates specially sent to participate in the Council."

[9] Op. cit. G. Ostrogorsky, ibid., p.43.