The Bible and the Seventeenth-Century Revolution

M. Keen, “Wyclif, the Bible and Transubstatiation” in Wyclif in his times (ed. A. Kenny, Oxford U. P., 1986), pp.3-4.

Bale, The Image of Both Churches (1550) in Select Works (Parker Soc., 1849), p. 536.

Цит. no The Bible in its Ancient and English Versions (ed. H. Wheeler Robinson, Oxford U. P., 1940), p. 156.

Tyndale, Preface to The Five Books of Moses (1530), in Doctrinal Treatises, pp. 393-4.

F. Rose-Troup, The Western Rebellion of 1549 (1913), p. 221; cp. Foxe, op cit., IV, pp. 225, 239, VI, pp. 723-4.

Предисловие к Реймсскому Новому Завету, цит. по Records of the English Bible (ed. A. W. Pollard, Oxford U. P., 1911), p. 302.

Cm. Elizabeth Eisenstein, The Printing Press as an agent of change (Cambridge U. P., 1979), passim; S. Greenblatt. Renaissance Self-Fashioning: From More to Shakespeare (1980), Chapter II; Joseph Martin, Religious Radicals in Tudor England (1989), passim.

Martin, op. cit., pp. 71-3, ср. ниже в этой главе.

Baxter, The Poor Husbandman’s Advocate to Rich Racking Landlords (ed. F. J. Powicke, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 10, 1926), p. 182.

D. Zaret, The Heavenly Contract: Ideology and Organization in PreRevolutionary Puritanism (Chicago U. P., 1985), p. 35.

Eisenstein, op. cit., pp. 404-19. Я считаю, что печатником Тиндела был Дэвид Дэниель.

Ibid., р. 305.

Ibid., I, pp. 401-2, р.568; Joan Simon, Education and Society in Tudor England (Cambridge U. P., 1966), pp. 56-8.

Я цитирую по репринтному изданию 1640 г., стр. 16. Ср. John Jewel, An Apology of the Church of England (Parker Soc., 1848), pp. 86-90; впервые опубликовано в 1564 г.

James, op. cit. (Parker Soc., 1843), pp. 1-74, 233-315, 327. Cp. William Whitaker, A Disputation on Holy Scripture against the Papists (Parker Soc., 1849), passim. Впервые опубликовано в 1588 г.

Brenner, op. cit., in History Workshop Journal 27 (1989), pp. 32-3; cp. Eisenstein, op. cit., I, pp. 362-3.