The Bible and the Seventeenth-Century Revolution

Eugene R. Cunnar, “Donne’s ‘Valediction forbidding mourning’ and the golden compasses of alchemical creation”, in Literature and the Occult: Essays in Comparative Literature (ed. Luanne Frank, Texas U. P., 1977), pp. 74, 72.

Fludd, op. cit., To the Judicious and Discreet Reader, and pp. 17-25. Впервые опубликовано на латыни в 1638 г. Я цитирую английский перевод 1659 г.

Ньютон цит. по С. Webster, From Paracelsus to Newton: Magic and the Making of Modem Science (Cambridge U. P., 1982), p. 10.

Abraham, Marvell and Alchemy (1990); cp. Davenant, Gondibert (ed. D. E. Gladish, Oxford U. P., 1971), p. x.

Calvin, op. cit., (translated Clement Cotton, 1609), pp. 191-2 (толкование на He. 19.12) и 473 (Ис. 47.12-13).

Wither, Fair Virtue: The Mistress of Phil’arete, selections from A Collection of Emblems (1634, second pagination), p. 177.

Milton, Of Christian Doctrine, MCPW, VI, p. 696.

Сарр, Astrology and the Popular Press: English Almanacs, 1500-1800 (1979), pp. 32, 143, 153-6. См. особ. pp. 164-79 об астрологии и милленаризме.

Fiske, An Astrological Discourse With Mathematical Demonstrations, Preface.

Mercurius Politicus, 33, 16-23 January 1651, p. 545.

C. H. Simpkinson, Thomas Harrison, Regicide and Major-General (1905), p. 151.

Capp, op. cit., passim; ср. его Cromwell’s Navy: The Fleet and the English Revolution, 1648-1660 (Oxford U. P., 1989), pp. vii, 327-8. Cm. ниже, глава 13.


Capp, Astrology and the Popular Press, pp. 140, 143, 333; cp. TRDM, pp. 283-385.


[Anon.], The New Jerusalem (1652), sig. A 4v, and passim; Robert Gell, Stella Nova,…Or A Sermon Preached to the learned Society of Astrologers, 1 August 1649; A Sermon Touching Gods Government of the World by Angels. Preached before the learned Societie of Artists or Astrologers, 8 August 1650. Cm. TRDM, pp. 304-5.