The Bible and the Seventeenth-Century Revolution

Jo Whitfield was a quick but reliable typist, even when she had to deal with my unreadable characters; It was only thanks to her that I finished the book almost on time. Julia Hoare and the staff at Balliol College were consistently generous in their help, which was not part of their duties. Credit should also be given to the staff of the Bodleian Library for their many services over the years.

Peter Carson of Penguin Books has been a generous supporter. Judith Flanders was an excellent editor—knowledgeable, wise, and patient. I owe her a great deal for her support and tolerance.

But most of all, as always, I am indebted to Bridget, who was also raised in a family where the Bible was read. She constantly gave me wise advice, helped and encouraged me. She read my book at various stages of its evolution, corrected spelling errors, pointed out repetitions, restrained my enthusiasm and verbosity, and assisted in the exhausting work of compiling indexes. She, like many of those whom I have thanked here, is not responsible for what happened; But without it, this work would be much longer and much worse.

I have modernized the spelling and punctuation of the seventeenth century, with the exception of the titles of the books. The place of publication of books, unless otherwise indicated, is London. In quoting from the Bible, I usually used the Geneva edition, which I believe was more widely used among radicals than the Permitted Version. But in a number of undisputed passages there is little difference between the two versions: the permitted version usually used the Geneva Bible, just as the Geneva version followed Tyndell's translation. At first, I tried to give full biblical quotations regarding what seemed to me to be key names and words—Cain and Abel, idols and groves, wilderness and garden, covenant, idolatry, and the Millennium. But that would take up too much space; the interested reader will be able to find them for himself with the help of the Symphony.

K. Kh.

September 6, 1992

List of abbreviations

The following abbreviations were used in the notes:

A. V. Authorized Version of the Bible BMW John Bunyan. Miscellaneous Works (Oxford U. P., 13 vols., 1976 —) CSPD Calendar of State Papers, Domestic DNB Dictionary of National Biography EHR English Historical Review FS Fast Sermons to Parliament, November 1640 — April 1653 (ed. Robin Jeffs, Commarket Press, 34 vols., 1970-71) HMS Historical Manuscript Commission Millersville Papers delivered at the 1991 Millersville University Conference on Puritanism in Old and New England MCPW Complete Prose Works of John Milton (Y ale U. P., 1953-82) MER C. Hill, Milton and the English Revolution (1977) Offor The Works of John Bunyan (ed. G. Offor, 3 vols., 1860) OED Oxford English Dictionary P. and P. Past and Present PL Milton, Paradise Lost PP Bunyan, The Pilgrim’s Progress PR Milton, Paradise Regained Sabine Works of Gerrard Winstanley (ed. G. H. Sabine, Cornell U. P., 1941) TRDM Keith Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic (1971) TRHS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society UP. University Press

Some dates

This book deals with the sequential course of events that took place in Great Britain between the reformation of Henry VIII and the end of the seventeenth century. The following dates will help the reader to keep this course of events in mind as I jump from one subject to another. For the same reason, I usually give publication dates for books cited from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

1509-47 Henry VIII, King of England. 1526-34 English translation of the New Testament by William Tyndell. 1529-36 Reformation Parliament. 1547-53 Edward VI, King of England. He tried to conquer Scotland. 1553-8 Mary I, Queen of England, married Philip II of Spain. The return of Catholicism, the burning of heretics. 1558-1603 Elizabeth I, Queen of England. The return of Protestantism. 1560 The Geneva Bible. 1563 "The Book of Martyrs" by John Fawkes. 1567-8 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, was deposed and fled to England. 1568 Episcopal Bible. 1575-83 Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1583-1604 John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1587 Mary, Queen of Scots, executed in England. 1588 Spanish Armada. 1589-90 Treatises of Marprelat. 1603-25 Unification of crowns: James VI of Scotland becomes King James I of England. 1604-10 Richard Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury. November 5, 1605 Gunpowder conspiracy. 1610-33 George Abbott, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1611 A permissible version of the Bible. 1618-48 The Thirty Years' War. 1624 Prince Karl marries the French princess Henriette-Marie. 1628 Petition for the right. 1629-40 Sole rule of Charles I. Parliaments are not convened. 1633-45 William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1634-9 Ship money is collected without parliamentary approval. 1638 Scottish National Covenant. 1639-40 War between England and Scotland. April-May 1640 November 1640- A short parliament. April 1653 A long parliament. May 1641 Execution of the Earl of Strafford. 1641 Abolition of the Star Chamber and High Commission trials. November 1641 Mutiny in Ireland. 1642-5 The First Civil War. September 1643 The Holy League and Covenant between England and Scotland. January 1645 Execution of Archbishop Lod. June 1645 Battle of Nasby. June 1646 Charles I surrendered. October 1646 Abolition of the episcopate. 1647 The New Model Army intervenes in politics and occupies London. 1648 The Second Civil War. December 1648 The army purges parliament; "the rump of the Long Parliament appoints the trial of the traitorous king. January 1649 Trial and execution of Charles I. 1649-60 Republic. May 1649 Cromwell suppresses a rebellion in Burford. 1649 Cromwell's conquest of Ireland. 1650-51 Suppression of diggers and ranters. 1650 Abolition of compulsory attendance at parish churches. October 1651 The Navigation Act - led to 1652-4 war between England and the Netherlands. 1652 Alliance between England and Scotland. April 1653 Cromwell disperses the "rump" of the Long Parliament. July-December 1653 December 1653- The Barbonne Parliament. September 1658 Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector. 1655 War against Spain. Conquest of Jamaica September 1658 May 1659 and Dunkirk. Richard Cromwell, Lord Protector. May 1659 The return to power of the "rump" of Dolgoy 1660 Parliament. Restoration of Charles II, bishops and censorship. 1661 The Star Chamber and the High Commission have not been reinstated. Sectarians are expelled from the Church of England. The union of England and Scotland is dissolved. Confirmation of the Navigation Act. 1672 Declaration on Tolerance of Catholics 1678-81 and Protestant sects. The Papist Conspiracy: An Attempt to Exclude 1685 James, Duke of York, from the right of succession to the throne. Temporary relaxation of censorship. James II, King of England. The Rebellion of Monmouth. November 1688-9 James II is deposed by William III, King 1689 England, 1689-1702. Act of Toleration. 1695 The act on licensing loses force. 1707 Alliance between England and Scotland.


1. Biblical Culture