Introduction to Biblical Exegesis





CHAPTER 1. THE SUBJECT OF BIBLICAL EXEGESIS 1.1. "What does this text mean?" 1.2. Hermeneutic Prerequisites of Exegesis 1.3. Christian Prerequisites of Exegesis

CHAPTER 2. HISTORY AND METHODOLOGY OF EXEGESIS 2.1. The Bible interprets Bible 2.2. Traditional Exegesis 2.3. "Biblical Criticism" and Its Legacy 2.4. Modern Biblical Studies

CHAPTER 3. THE PRACTICE OF EXEGESIS 3.1. Before starting work 3.2. How not to act 3.3. How to do it: defining the context 3.4. Definition of Genre 3.5. Textual Analysis of the Passage 3.6. Linguistic Analysis of the Passage 3.7. Literary and Rhetorical Analysis of the Passage 3.8. Identification of hypotheses, their evaluation and selection 3.9. Application of exegetical conclusions in practice

CHAPTER 4. EXAMPLES OF EXEGETICAL ANALYSIS 4.1. Genesis 6:2 – Are humans or spirits called "sons of God"? 4.2. Exodus 4:24-26 – Who is the "bridegroom of the blood" and what does circumcision have to do with it? 4.3. Malachi 2:15a—Does this phrase make any sense at all? 4.4. Matthew 5:39a – what and how not to resist? 4.5. 1 Peter 3:19 —Where, to whom, and what did Christ proclaim? 4.6. 1 Corinthians 7:21 —What Counsel Does Paul Give to Slaves?



Scientific Edition Publishing House of St. Tikhon's Orthodox University for the Humanities Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Bible Translation UDC 27-242 BBK 86.37 D-37 Publishing Project of St. Tikhon's Orthodox University "Biblical and Patrological Studies" Project Supervisor and Editor-in-Chief A. R. Fokin Scientific Editor T. Grid Reviewer O. I. Zubova Layout S. M. Oparina Proofreader T. O. Mayskaya

Desnitsky A. D-37 Introduction to Biblical Exegesis/ Andrei Desnitsky. Moscow, PSTGU Publ., 2011. - 413 p. ISBN 978-5-7429-0660-5

The book by the Russian philologist and biblical scholar A. Desnitsky is devoted to the science and art of interpreting the Bible. It covers the history of exegesis, its methodology and contains numerous examples. The book is intended for a wide reader and can be used as a textbook.

Organized within the framework of the scientific and publishing program of St. Tikhon's Orthodox University, the publishing project "Biblical and Patrological Studies", headed and edited by A. R. Fokin, Associate Professor of the Department of Patrology of the Faculty of Theology of St. Tikhon's Orthodox University, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is designed to contribute to the revival and development of the tradition of biblical and patrological studies in Russia, which is the most important task of the modern Orthodox scientific community. The project is being carried out in close cooperation with the "Center for Biblical Pathrological Research" of the Department for Youth Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church.




The Institute for Bible Translation is pleased to present to the reader the book "Introduction to Biblical Exegesis", which has been prepared for several years.