Orthodox Pastoral Ministry

The first, too early confession (there are children, perfect babies at the age of six) does not disturb simplicity, integrity, and spontaneity by artificially awakened introspection? For some children, especially "children", I would postpone it a year or two later.

Today, children (10-12 years old) asked me (apparently after a big argument among themselves) what asceticism is. I answered, "A system of exercises that bring the body into subjection to the spirit." "What are the very first exercises?" – 1) breathing through the nose – 2) food is not full (do not take it a second time) – 3) do not lie in bed.

This can be a topic for a large independent conversation with children.

We, allowing frequent confession and communion, sometimes forget the salvific power of the duration of the retreat, which is possible only in Great Lent – frequent and special services. Then, during the week, a person has a vivid and convincing experience of struggling with sin, the joy of victory over it, sees the results of his prayer.

The hopelessness of the situation of many penitents, the seeming hopelessness of their situation ("all the same, I will return to the same, I have no strength to fight against sin") lies in the fact that these people stand outside the Church. Their salvation lies in entering the Church, into the communion of love with their brethren. In our church practice, the conciliar character of our sacraments, including the sacrament of repentance, is being lost.

I often notice in those who confess a desire to go through confession painlessly for themselves: either they get away with general phrases, or they talk about trifles, keeping silent about what should really weigh on their conscience. There is also a false shame before the spiritual father and, in general, a faint-hearted fear of seriously beginning to stir up one's life, full of petty and habitual weaknesses. True confession, as a good shock to the soul, frightens with its determination, the need to change something, and even just to think about oneself. Here the priest must show determination, not be afraid to destroy this calmness and try to evoke a feeling of real repentance.

Suspicious people, suspicious of every movement of their souls, torturing themselves and their spiritual father by incessant digging into their souls, and finally coming to complete confusion, should forbid them to introspection and a detailed examination of their conscience and transfer them to a simple but nutritious diet: prayer and good deeds. In these two exercises, the soul is simplified and the sense of Truth is developed; After that, you can return to testing yourself again.

For the unrepentant, the petrified, I think, a public confession in front of the whole church would be needed, as in the ancient church.

In the practice of our pastoral ministry, the question of how to guide the nervous and hysterical, and people with abnormal psyche to the spiritual father has not been sufficiently developed. According to my observations, the tension of prayer and the feats of fasting often further intensify their inner chaos and not only do not straighten them out, but cause obvious harm. Here you need your own techniques, perhaps sometimes directly opposite to those that are applicable to normal people.

A person often does not know how to approach confession. It is necessary to help him, to awaken in him a feeling of repentance, to ask leading questions: was there any spiritual life during this period (struggle with sin, prayer, self-compulsion, efforts to become better), did he succeed in anything, did he move back? What sin does he consider the most serious? What is the most important virtue?

It is necessary to advise the possible frequent use of the sacrament of Communion. A lesson received once a year will not teach you anything.

During confession, very many, if not all, need the priest to pray with them the most. This joint prayer softens the heart, sharpens repentance, and refines spiritual vision.

Lessons from the Past Post

No matter how tired you are, show maximum attention, do not rush.