Orthodox Pastoral Ministry

For the unrepentant, the petrified, I think, a public confession in front of the whole church would be needed, as in the ancient church.

In the practice of our pastoral ministry, the question of how to guide the nervous and hysterical, and people with abnormal psyche to the spiritual father has not been sufficiently developed. According to my observations, the tension of prayer and the feats of fasting often further intensify their inner chaos and not only do not straighten them out, but cause obvious harm. Here you need your own techniques, perhaps sometimes directly opposite to those that are applicable to normal people.

A person often does not know how to approach confession. It is necessary to help him, to awaken in him a feeling of repentance, to ask leading questions: was there any spiritual life during this period (struggle with sin, prayer, self-compulsion, efforts to become better), did he succeed in anything, did he move back? What sin does he consider the most serious? What is the most important virtue?

It is necessary to advise the possible frequent use of the sacrament of Communion. A lesson received once a year will not teach you anything.

During confession, very many, if not all, need the priest to pray with them the most. This joint prayer softens the heart, sharpens repentance, and refines spiritual vision.

Lessons from the Past Post

No matter how tired you are, show maximum attention, do not rush.

It is better to show everyone complete love, condescension, sympathy, not to scare anyone away with strictness.

Even if they do not conduct confession correctly (they are vain, enumerate their virtues, tell in detail their life circumstances) – do not be harsh, do not stop – many unfortunate people come to cry about their hard life.

Clearly read the prayer to the confessor before confession:

"... Touch his heart, open his heart's eyes, grant him, O Lord, to see his sins, send sorrow for his sins, a spirit of contrition of heart and repentance, that he may be cleansed, sanctified... " etc. Often, after prayer, a feeling of repentance awakens in those who are indifferent,

The main thing is to achieve sincere repentance, if possible, tears, which do not need details, but for the appearance of which a detailed and specific story is often needed.

Give epitimia to everyone. Epitimia is a memo, a lesson, an exercise; it accustoms one to spiritual achievement, gives birth to a taste for it; it is necessary to limit it to a precise date, for example, to read 40 akathists, etc. (story X, how he did not want to give up the daily reading of the akathist when the deadline had passed). Possible types of epitimia are prostrations, the Jesus Prayer, rising for the midnight office, reading, fasting, almsgiving – whichever is more needed.

Normal order of confession: Prayer and brief advice on how to confess. Let him speak out without interrupting, only helping if he is silent. Prayer for the sending of heartfelt contrition to the penitent and the forgiveness of his sins;