Orthodox Pastoral Ministry

In order to speak without preparation, you need to have a precise topic in your head, divided into main thoughts. But the main creativity should take place during the sermon; otherwise you burn out while preparing, and you present only cold ashes to the listeners.

Somehow, in a sermon or general conversation, it is necessary to analyze the typical "stumbling-blocks," "domestic heresies," with which the majority of those who come to confession are infected. Here are some of the most common: God is not to be feared, the primacy of morality; the saints are selfish; the denial of fasting; the denial of the Old Testament; the superiority of home prayer.

Members of Christian Science reproach us, the Orthodox, for our lack of faith and inability to overcome our illnesses by the strength of the spirit. Their argument is that Christ has freed us from slavery to the flesh (Rom. 8).

What can I say to this?

— The gift of healing for Christians is not a gift of omnipotence and divine power over nature...

After all, the apostles themselves were sick, many righteous people (St. Ambrose) suffered from incurable diseases until the end of their days,

This is explained by the following. that as long as we live in this "body of death," we bear all the consequences of this, until the restoration of the universal, "always bearing in the body the deadness of the Lord Jesus" (2 Cor. 4:10).