19 And now, O Lord our God, deliver us out of his hand, and all the kingdoms of the earth shall know that thou, O Lord, art one God.

20 And Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to Hezekiah, saying, 'Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, 'The things which thou hast prayed unto me against Sennacherib king of Assyria, I have heard.'

21 This is the word which the Lord spake concerning him, 'The virgin daughter of Zion shall despise thee, and laugh at thee; after thee shall the daughter of Jerusalem shake her head.

22 Whom have you rebuked and reproached? And against whom hast thou lifted up thy voice, and lifted up thy eyes so high? On the Holy One of Israel!

23 Through thy messengers thou hast rebuked the Lord, and said, 'With a multitude of my chariots I went up to the height of the mountains, to the ribs of Lebanon, and I hewn down its tall cedars, its fine cypresses, and came to its most extreme abode, to the grove of its garden;

24 And I have dug up and drunk the water of others, and I will dry up all the rivers of Egypt with the feet of my feet."

25 Have you not heard that I have done these things long ago, that in ancient days I have ordained them, and now I have fulfilled them, that you lay waste the fortified cities, turning them into heaps of ruins?

26 And their inhabitants have become weak, trembling, and remain ashamed. They became like grass in the field, and tender greenery, like the growth on the rooftops, and the scorched corn, before they sprang up.

27 Whether you sit down, or go out, or go in, I know all things; I know also thy boldness against me.

28 Because of thy boldness against me, and because thy arrogance hath come unto my ears, I will put my ring in thy nostrils, and my bit in thy mouth, and I will bring thee back by the same way by which thou camest.

29 And this is a sign unto thee, Hezekiah: In this year ye shall eat that which has grown of the fallen grain, and in the next year that it shall be native, and in the third year ye shall sow and reap, and ye shall plant vineyards, and eat of their fruit.

30 And that which is left in the house of Judah shall again take root below, and bear fruit above,

31 for out of Jerusalem shall come a remnant, and that which is saved from Mount Zion. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.

32 Therefore thus saith the Lord concerning the king of Assyria: "He shall not enter into this city, nor cast an arrow therein, nor come near it with a shield, nor build a rampart against it.