27 In the time of her childbirth, it was found that twins were in her womb.

28 And in the time of her childbirth the hand of [one] appeared; And the midwife took it, and tied a red thread on his hand, saying, This one came out first.

29 But he returned his hand; And behold, his brother went out. And she said, How hast thou broken thyself barrier? And his name was called Pharez.

30 Then his brother came out with a red thread on his hand. And his name was called Zara.

Chapter 39

1 And Joseph was taken into Egypt, and bought him out of the hands of the Ishmaelites, who had brought him thither, Potiphar the Egyptian, the courtier of the Pharaohs, the captain of the guards.

2 And the Lord was with Joseph: he prospered in business, and dwelt in the house of his lord the Egyptian.

3 And his lord saw that the Lord was with him, and that all that he did the Lord in his hands prospered.

4 And Joseph found favor in his sight, and served him. And he set him over his house, and all that he had he gave into his hands.

5 И с того времени, как он поставил его над домом своим и над всем, что имел, Господь благословил дом Египтянина ради Иосифа, и было благословение Господне на всем, что имел он в доме и в поле [его].

6 И оставил он все, что имел, в руках Иосифа и не знал при нем ничего, кроме хлеба, который он ел. Иосиф же был красив станом и красив лицем.

7 И обратила взоры на Иосифа жена господина его и сказала: спи со мною.

8 Но он отказался и сказал жене господина своего: вот, господин мой не знает при мне ничего в доме, и все, что имеет, отдал в мои руки;

9 нет больше меня в доме сем; и он не запретил мне ничего, кроме тебя, потому что ты жена ему; как же сделаю я сие великое зло и согрешу пред Богом?