18 And behold, seven cows came out of the river, fat in flesh and of good appearance, and were grazing in the reeds;

19 but behold, after them came forth seven other cows, thin, very bad in appearance, and lean in flesh: I have not seen in all the land of Egypt such wicked as they;

20 And the lean and lean cows ate of the former seven fat cows;

21 And the fat ones entered into their womb, but it was not noticeable that they had entered into their womb: they were as thin in appearance as they were at first. And I woke up.

22 And I dreamed, Behold, on one stalk sprang up seven ears of corn, full and good;

23 but behold, after them grew seven ears of grain, thin, lean, and parched by the east wind;

24 And the lean ears devoured seven good ears of corn. I told this to the Magi, but no one explained it to me.

25 And Joseph said to Pharaoh, "Pharaoh's dream is one: whatsoever God shall do, that he hath declared unto Pharaoh."

26 Seven good cows, that's seven years; and seven good ears of corn are seven years: one sleep;

27 And the seven lean and lean cows that came out after those are seven years, and the seven lean and lean ears that were parched by the east wind are seven years of famine.

28 For this reason I said to Pharaoh, 'What God will do, he showed Pharaoh.'

29 Behold, seven years of great abundance are coming in all the land of Egypt;

30 After them shall come seven years of famine, and all that abundance in the land of Egypt shall be forgotten, and the famine shall exhaust the land,

31 And the former abundance of the earth shall not be perceptible, because of the famine that shall follow, for it shall be very severe.